Megan Wiles to Seek Re-Election for Noblesville Common Council

Megan Wiles (second from left) stands with her son Garrett (left), husband Greg (second from right) and daughter Grace after officially filing for re-election to the Noblesville Common Council
Megan Wiles was joined by her family to officially file paperwork to seek reelection to the Sixth District on the Noblesville Common Council.
“I am so pleased that my family could join me in this important step of asking residents of the Sixth District to give me another opportunity to serve them as well as all Noblesville residents,” Wiles said.
She went on to say, “There are some very important projects that I am proud to have been a part of their initial stages and I want to continue to work alongside Mayor Jensen and his team to see the results of those efforts. As Noblesville continues to grow, we must do our best to be keeping up with infrastructure needs while also providing the safest community for all residents to live, work and play.”
“I’m proud of my involvement with the Downtown District Committee to preserve our authentic downtown for existing and future residents to enjoy all year long. I was happy to play a lead role working in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office, the City and County Engineering Departments and Hamilton County Commissioners to help see the Bridge of Flowers project to completion. It will be exciting to see how the new area connecting the east side of downtown to the west side will be enhanced with the Bridge of Flowers,” Wiles said.
Having grown up on the east side of Noblesville, Wiles understands the importance of responsible growth for both residential developments as well as new corporate projects.
“There is a lot of opportunity for growth as the city expands east into Wayne Township, but it must be done in a fiscally responsible manner,” she said.
During her time on Council, she has led in a number of ways, including serving as Council President and Vice-President twice and chaired a number of committees. She is currently co-chair for Noblesville’s Bicentennial Committee, along with Bret Richardson.
“It will be great to celebrate Noblesville’s and Hamilton County’s Bicentennial this year and I hope all residents will join in the events and activities that our community partners have planned for this year,” Wiles said.
To see a current listing of events, go to
For more information about Wiles’ campaign, go to