Smith Files for Re-Election for Noblesville Common Council

Aaron Smith, Noblesville businessman and common council president, formally filed for reelection to the Noblesville Common Council. Residents of the Third District first elected Smith in 2019.

“Over the past three years, I’ve worked consistently to deliver on the campaign promises I made to Noblesville residents. I wrote and passed legislation protecting downtown buildings from demolition. I supported our efforts to attract and retain businesses important to our City’s economic engine, and I worked alongside our public safety officials to help make Noblesville safer.”

Smith continued, “In this campaign, I recommit those promises to the residents of my district. Downtown Noblesville will always be my priority, we must take active and difficult steps to address our city’s aging infrastructure, strategically invest in our future, and in all conversations put taxpayers first.”

Notable accomplishments include:

  • Authoring protections for downtown buildings: The protections passed Plan Commission, Common Council, and were signed into law by the Mayor.
  • Securing funding for Old Town infrastructure: Smith secured funding in the budget for sidewalk repairs in Old Town ($250k in 2021 and $300k in 2022) and much-needed brick rehabilitation on Logan & Clinton Streets.
  • Maintaining a consistent property tax rate: The Council has held the City’s property tax rate flat for the last four years at $1.10 per $100 of assessed value.
  • Ensuring healthy rainy day fund reserves: While the State of Indiana recommends that cities target 12% of annual revenue for cash reserves, the Council and Administration have increased that to a minimum of 15% for the City of Noblesville.

Smith currently represents the Third District on the Noblesville City Council and serves as council president. He is also the Founder of MTCHBX, a strategic communication firm with offices downtown Noblesville. In his free time, Smith serves on the boards of Noblesville Main Street and the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

Together with his wife Bronwen, they have two children, Declan (5) and Parker (1). Learn more online at