A Thank You To The Community From Tri Kappa

The Beta Epsilon Chapter of Tri Kappa in Noblesville would like to say a big THANK YOU to the community of Noblesville and beyond for the generous donations to the Red Stocking Fund during the 2022 Christmas season.

We surpassed our goal of $10,000.00 and raised $13,800.00.00 for the Annual Tri Kappa Red Stocking Fund. We were truly blessed and 100% of the money donated will be distributed to the school children of Noblesville through the Noblesville Township Trustee’s Office and Noblesville Schools along with Options Charter School of Noblesville.

Since 2006, the Community of Noblesville has raised over $218,000.00 through this fundraiser. These funds are used to provide, shoes, clothing, school supplies, medicines, utilities/shelter for many families with school aged children, as well as any other needs recognized by the Trustee’s office and the respective schools.

Tri Kappa of Noblesville would also like to say a big “THANK YOU” to the The TIMES newspaper for partnering with Beta Epsilon to raise this money for the children of Noblesville through the Red Stocking Fund. Much of the success of this project is owed to The TIMES for publishing the listing of donors with wishes and providing the coupon.

We are so grateful to have a local newspaper that supports our local organizations and promotes their projects, which in turn supports this community. Tri Kappa was proud to partner with The TIMES, as well as the Noblesville Township Trustees Office in this project.

Tri Kappa is a philanthropic organization existing only within Indiana. Membership totals nearly 9,000 in 146 active and 110 associate chapters. Tri Kappa members donate over $1.5 million every year to the endeavors of charity, culture and education within their own communities and through state projects.