Dugan’s Back For St. Pat’s Eve At The Cat

Carmel High School graduate comedian Dave Dugan returns to The Cat at 7:30 p.m. this Thursday for a St. Patrick’s Eve comedy night.

Carmel-based nationally known comedian Dave Dugan, a Carmel High School graduate, finds humor in everyday life, even when he decides to perch himself next to one of downtown Carmel’s 17 life-size lifelike statues in the Carmel Arts & Design District. He’ll headline a St. Patrick’s Eve show Thursday night at The Cat.
I catch up with comedian Dave Dugan a few times a year.
St. Patrick’s holiday is one of those times.
I saw him last August doing stand-up comedy at The Cat in Carmel. It was my first time at the 110-seat rental venue.
The Indianapolis-based comedian who is famous nationwide and around the world and has appeared on Comedy Central, HBO, and VH-1, is a Hamilton County native who graduated from Carmel High School and still lives in Carmel.
He returns to The Cat at 7:30 p.m. this Thursday on St. Patrick’s Eve.
I’ve known Dugan and have been following him for 30 years. Being that the Carmel High School grad has had nearly a lifetime of popularity, I had a few questions for Dugan:
Q: So, how do you keep your St. Patty’s Day show and other shows fresh from year to year?
A: Well, since I return to some venues regularly, I keep a record of what (material) I cover for each performance, so that I can prioritize new bits at the next performance there. ( in this case, the Cat Theatre in Carmel) This way, returning audiences don’t have to sit through the same show. In other words, fresh show, same stale face, but fresh show. It’s the one time I’m thankful for my OCD that pushes me to keep the content of every show on file.
Q: What’s so comical about St. Patrick’s Day?
A: I might have to answer that question with a question. What’s so funny about Peace, Love and Understanding? ( Elvis Costello from 1979, thanks for your request) St. Patrick’s Day is chock full of humor. From observing those who celebrate the holiday to the extreme, wearing costumes you wouldn’t be caught dead in the other 364 days of the year, to leprechauns.
Q: Your thoughts on green beer?
A: Heck, green beer makes me giggle. It’s only desirable the one day. Any other time of the year if you were served a green beer, you’d think it was tainted and send it back.
Q: Why do you like St. Patrick’s Day so much?
A: Oddly, or maybe not, no one else in my family lives for St. Patrick’s Day like I do. Dugan is a very Irish name, and I guess I’m somewhere between 50-75 percent Irish. But our kids are even more Irish since there is a strong Irish lineage on my in-law side, as well. My dad is more proud of his German heritage, so I guess I’ll never see him in a kilt sitting down to a bowl of piping-hot Irish stew. Our first grandchild turned 1 year old this week and has Irish lineage from my son, but Italian from my daughter-in-law’s side. I guess I’ll hit the grandson with a joke about that ethnic combination when he’s old enough to defend himself.
Q: What’s new?
A: So far in 2023, a varied lineup of shows. Some corporate and conferences, but also theaters, opera houses, vineyards, legions, yacht clubs, fundraisers. Hoping to add a hog roast to the schedule. That probably sounds like I’m being sarcastic but the summer before last, I was hired to entertain at a hog roast and it was a blast. Not for the hog. But for all us humans.
Q: What have you been up to?
A: In addition to comedy, I’m still doing voice over. Recently for Remington, Durango Boots, Prowood Lumber…..almost always “manly” products. But I’d kill to be the voice of one of those products for sensitive skin….to show off my delicate side.
Q: What else is on your mind?
A: I’ve also got this desire to return to radio. I don’t know if I’m talking terrestrial, satellite or internet, but I’ve got some creative ideas to showcase music that I think other music fanatics like myself might enjoy.
Q: What’s next?
A: Once the St. Patrick’s Eve show is history, I’ll look forward to the next show that falls on a holiday: Friday, May 5 — Cinco de Mayo — at the Brown County Playhouse in Nashville (for the “Dugans Aren’t Losers” tour.)
Q: What else?
A: I’m pushing for another Dry Bar Comedy special. The first one has had close to a million views. So if your readers could search for the special through Dry Bar Comedy or YouTube, and then share it with a ton of their friends ….maybe I’ll get a second special out of the deal? Another tip: if you do go to this search-and-share trouble to support my selfish cause, while you’ve got the video loaded, be sure to hit ” like,” even if you don’t like it. I really think this begging tactic is going to work out and am so confident I may just go ahead and book my flight to Provo, Utah, right now, home of the theater where all of the dry-bar specials are filmed.
Dugan and his wife, Heidi, of 26 years, have two kids, Max, who was married in 2020 and who has a son who just turned 1 over the weekend; and daughter, Riley, 19, who loves being on the radio and following in her dad’s footsteps.
Want TO GO?
What: St. Patrick’s Eve with Dave Dugan at The Cat.
When: 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Where: The Cat, 254 Veterans Way Carmel
How much: $15 in advance, $20 at the door.
Where to buy tickets: https://thecat.biz/whats-on-stage-1
-Betsy Reason writes about people, places and things in Hamilton County. Contact Betsy Reason at [email protected].