Miller-Palooza Party To Benefit Our Schools

Photo courtesy of Noblesville Schools Education Foundation
Brittny Knapp (from left) and Ali (Beaver) Alvey and husband Stuart Alvey, sporting their Noblesville Miller gear, cheer during a previous Miller-Palooza fundraiser, which this year will be March 10 at the Embassy Suites in Noblesville
Photo courtesy of Noblesville Schools Education Foundation
Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen, a 2002 Noblesville High School graduate who emcees at a previous Miller-Palooza, will again be this year’s emcee for the fundraiser on March 10.
Photo courtesy of Noblesville Schools Education Foundation
A live auction is one of the many highlights of Miller-Palooza, a fundraiser for Noblesville Schools Education Foundation, and this year’s event will be March 10 at the Embassy Suites in Noblesville.
Photo courtesy of Noblesville Schools Education Foundation
Noblesville Schools Education Foundation supporters Jennifer Jacobi (from left), Ali Alvey, Mary Collyer, Jill Patrick, Jennifer Beahrs, Laurie Dyer, Michelle Payne and NSEF executive director Adriann Young model their Noblesville varsity “N” sweaters during a previous Miller-Palooza fundraiser, which this year will be March 10 at the Embassy Suites in Noblesville

Miller-Palooza will be the party not to miss.

That’s what I’m told.

And you don’t even have to break out the formalwear.

In fact, guests to next Friday’s benefit for Noblesville Schools Education Foundation (NSEF) are encouraged to wear their casual Miller spirit wear.

“We are hoping to see throwback letter jackets, vintage Ts and cords. I plan to wear my black varsity ‘N’ sweater,” said Adriann Young, the district’s executive director for NSEF.

“We are a proud partner of the Noblesville Bicentennial celebrations in 2023 and encourage vintage Noblesville Schools spirit wear,” she said.

Miller-Palooza is NSEF’s largest annual fundraiser that supports all 10 schools, including seven elementary schools, two middle schools and Noblesville High School.

“The event has grown over time and has morphed into the school party of the year,” Young said. “It is a night of great entertainment and celebrations for our beloved Noblesville Schools teachers and students.”

Folks who haven’t been there, done that, might want to know more about what to expect.

So, here’s the skinny.

Guests should expect three different food stations, and complimentary beer and wine provided by Bier Brewery, which has locations in Carmel and Indianapolis, and Republic National Distributing Co. (RNDC).

Guests will be entertained by Felix & Fingers dueling pianos, magic with Josh Cecil, live cartoon illustrations with artist Lauren Barger, auction bidding galore and a program highlighting partners of Noblesville Schools, Young said.

Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen, a 2002 NHS grad, will emcee the event, and community volunteer, 1990 NHS graduate Todd Thurston, will assist with the live auction.

What’s on the menu?

Food stations will be themed as Asian, Mexican and Mac & Cheese. Debbie’s Daughters Bakery & Cafe on Conner Street will provide dessert.

How does the auction work?

“Anyone, even non-attendees, can participate in the silent auction,” which went live on Friday and will include items and experiences from Noblesville and all over central Indiana, Young said. The auction will end at about 9 p.m. during the event. Anyone interested can view and bid on items at

A live auction will feature higher-end packages and will go the highest bidder in the room at the event.

Highlights of items to bid on?

“Our volunteers have secured some very exciting options for our auction this year,” Young said.

Her idea of some of the coolest items?

“I’m excited about our Ruoff (Music Center) VIP package, IndyCar ride experience, downtown Noblesville items, Pacers VIP package and exclusive school experiences — (such as) prom tickets, reserved graduation seats and press box seating at Beaver Stadium,” she said.

So what can guests do when they’re not dining or bidding?

“Guests can enjoy magic, live art, dueling piano music entertainment, historic school artifacts to tie into bicentennial celebrations and highlights of NSEF impact grants from the previous year,” Young said.

What about these dueling pianists?

Entertainment from Felix & Fingers is “a very talented group out of Chicago,” she said. Guests can make song requests with “tips” that go directly to support NSEF.

Why should I spend $125 for a ticket?

“Miller-Palooza is a community celebration that reminds us why it is so special living in Noblesville,” Young said. “We have school history and a strong sense of community support that is second to none.”

Young, who took her position as NSEF executive director at the start of the 2017-18 school year, loves cheering on and supporting the Millers. In fact, she and her husband, Aaron, a 2003 NHS grad, are raising their own Millers. They have two sons, Sammy, 3, who wants to be a cowboy when he grows up, and Bennett, 6, a kindergartner at White River Elementary School, one of seven elementaries benefitting from the fundraiser.

But next Friday will be an evening out without the kiddos. The event is for ages 21 and older who want to support our schools.

“If you love great food, live music, auction bidding and Noblesville Millers, then this is the event for you,” Young said.

Miller-Palooza supports the NSEF with classroom grants, scholarships for NHS seniors, mental health support for staff and students and other district-led initiatives, she said.

In 2022, Miller-Palooza “raised more than $70,000 to support our impact,” she said. “We’re hoping to raise that and more for this year’s event.”

Miller-Palooza sponsors that make this event possible: Premier $5,000 sponsors are Blades Audio Video Security and Ed Martin Automotive. Table sponsors supporting at $2,000 are Beaver Materials, Chris & Julie Jensen, CSO Architects, Don Smock Auctions, Duke Energy, First Merchants, Gaylor Electric, Hall-Rite Trucking, Dr. Joe Forgey DDS, LHD Benefit Advisors, Myers Construction Management Inc., Moisture Management, Nova 29, Stetnish Agency, T&T Sales and Promotions, and TMG Construction Management.

What does Young enjoy most about the evening?

She said, “I enjoy the school spirit and Noblesville pride that you feel when you leave at the end of the night.”

-Contact Betsy Reason at [email protected]