Indianapolis MPO Awards Hamilton County $8 Million for New Interchange 146th & Hazel Dell Parkway Set to Become a Roundabout

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Committee has awarded $8,718,340 to Hamilton County to transform the 146th and Hazel Dell Parkway intersection into a roundabout interchange. Construction could start as early as 2026.
“This is one of the highest crash locations in the county,” says Hamilton County Highway Director Brad Davis. “In fact, there were 94 reported crashes at this intersection from 2015 to 2019 – most of them rear-end accidents. We hope that turning the intersection into a roundabout will slow traffic and help alleviate some of the danger.”
Project engineers believe the grade separated roundabout interchange will improve safety by eliminating angle crashes and reducing crash severity. The pedestrian crossings will only occur through Hazel Dell Parkway and the ramps to 146th Street, which have lower speeds than 146th Street.
The Indianapolis MPO is comprised of the cities, counties, and towns in central Indiana (Marion and surrounding counties). The MPO award was based on a highly competitive process that identified the significant improvements to congestion along with safety improvements for pedestrians, motorists, and bicyclists as the justification for the award.