Daily Almanac: May 23, 2023

6:24 a.m.
9:04 p.m.

High/Low Temperatures:
84 °F
57 °F

Today is…:
• Lucky Penny Day
• National Taffy Day
• World Turtle Day

What Happened On This Day:
1992 The Italian mafia murder Giovanni Falcone. Falcone, a judge, was the mafia’s most prominent adversary. After he, together with his wife and three bodyguards, fell victim to a car bomb, Falcone became a folk hero in Italy.
• 1949 The Federal Republic of Germany is established. The proclamation of the Grundgesetz, Germany’s current constitution, marked the birth hour of the republic. The foundation of West Germany came four years after the demise of the Nazi regime and the end of World War II.
• 1844 Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází founds Bábism. The Báb, as he called himself, created the religion which was a forerunner of the Bahá’í Faith. His teachings were seen as a threat by the Islamic clergy, and his followers were brutally persecuted by the Persian government.

Births On This Day:

• 1954 Marvelous Marvin Hagler
American boxer

• 1707 Carl Linnaeus
Swedish botanist, physician, zoologist

Deaths On This Day:

• 1937 John D. Rockefeller
American businessman, philanthropist,

• 1868 Kit Carson
American soldier