Daily Almanac: June 08, 2023


RISE: 6:17 a.m.
SET: 9:21 p.m.

High/Low Temperatures:

HIGH: 79 °F
LOW: 63 °F

Today is…:

• National Chocolate Éclair Day
• National Onion rings Day
• Stupid Guy Thing Day

What Happened On This Day:

• 1990 Checkpoint Charlie is dismantled. The crossing point on the sector border between East Berlin and West Berlin had become obsolete with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Today, the former checkpoint, including the famous sign stating “You are leaving the American sector”, is a tourist attraction.

• 1945 Okinawa falls to U.S. troops. The Battle of Okinawa marked a decisive defeat for Japan during World War II as the archipelago represented the last line of defense for mainland Japan. The country surrendered two months after the end of the battle when two atomic bombs were dropped on the mainland.
• 1633 The Catholic Church forces Galileo Galilei to renounce his heliocentric world view. The Holy Office concluded that the Italian scientist, by stating that the Sun, not the Earth, is the center of the Universe, was “vehemently suspect of heresy”. Galileo spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

Births On This Day:

• 1953 Cyndi Lauper

American singer-songwriter, producer, actress

• 1949 Meryl Streep

American actress

Deaths On This Day:

• 2008 George Carlin

American comedian, actor, author
• 1969 Judy Garland

American actress, singer