New NHS Signage Helps Us Navigate
By: Betsy Reason

Noblesville Schools spent about $10,000 on new signage for Noblesville High School.
Noblesville High School families may have noticed new signage at the school.
Being that I picked up my daughter often this past semester at Noblesville High School, due to her extracurricular choir activities, I noticed a new sign that directs visitors to the right to go to the school’s main entrance and auditorium at Gate 1 and drop off/pick up Gates 3 and 4. Another arrow directs visitors to the left for Athletics and Deliveries to Gate 33.
The district this spring added six directions signs at the high school that are visible as visitors enter from Cumberland Road, Monument Street or Field Drive.
The signs help parents with all of the drop-off and pick-up logistics.
If anyone has ever dropped off or picked up their students at NHS, they know the drill. Turn into the driveway farthest to the north on Cumberland and follow the traffic that snakes through the Gate 1 parking lot. Sometimes, when traffic is heavy, the traffic police officer routes cars to the roundabout at Cumberland and Field Drive before entering the driveway, and traffic backs up around the roundabout.
And while picking up or dropping off never seems fast or fun, these new signs are helpful, particular to new families.
Why all of the new signs now and not sooner?
“As you know, the high school is a large building with thousands of community visitors throughout the year, said district spokesperson Marnie Cooke. “As we added Beaver Stadium to campus and are now adding athletic and academic additions, it became more important than ever to assist visitors with navigating the NHS campus.”
The signs cost the district about $10,000, Cooke said.
In 2021, the district spent $80,000 for a giant “N” art sculpture, celebrating school colors of black and gold, at the roundabout at Cumberland and Field Drive.
-Betsy Reason writes about people, places and things in Hamilton County. Contact The Times Editor Betsy Reason at at [email protected]