Daily Almanac: June 21, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset: RISE: 6:17 a.m.SET: 9:21 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 82 °FLOW: 64 °F Today is…: • First Day of Summer• National Selfie Day• National Smoothie Day What Happened On This Day: • 2004 SpaceShipOne completes the world’s first manned private spaceflight. The privately funded spaceplane reached an altitude of just over 100 kilometers (62 miles).…

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Heat Illness

By: Dr. John Roberts Since our temperatures are heading into the mid-80s this week, it’s time to start thinking about the dog days of summer. We will soon start to see patients suffering from heat illness coming in to urgent care and emergency departments. Heat illness accounts for tens of thousands of visits to medical…

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The Postscript by Carrie Classon

“So Much” I heard him yelling before I saw him. He was in front of the church. His possessions were loaded into a shopping cart, and it appeared he was trying to navigate the steep hill. And he was yelling. Was there a fight? Should I be worried? But when I finally saw him, he…

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America’s Power Grid Is Antiquated

Dear EarthTalk: How is America’s outdated power grid inhibiting efforts to fight climate change? Our outdated power grid is indeed a significant hindrance to efforts to combat climate change. One of the key issues is the grid’s limited capacity to integrate renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.), a needed step if we’re to make the…

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John O. Marlowe

July 8, 1957 – June 13, 2023 John O. Marlowe, 65, of Clayton, passed away June 13, 2023. He was born on July 8, 1957, to Chuck and Ann (Mitchell) Marlowe. John was a 1975 graduate of Cascade High School, and a 1979 graduate of Wabash College. He was a member of Wabash’s 1977 NCAA…

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Noblesville And Carmel Lions Support Gleaners In June

On Thursday, June 15th, the Noblesville and Carmel Lions assisted Gleaners in passing out food at 6 Points Church in Sheridan. For many months, this has been a monthly event for the Lions and Gleaners. Front Row:  (Carmel Club) Bob Yunker and Lane Simms;  (Noblesville Club) Dale Unger and Ron Williamson Back Row: (Noblesville Club)…

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