Homemade Pie Contest

Bake your family’s favorite pie recipe for some friendly competition. The Hamilton County Extension Homemakers are sponsoring a homemade pie contest open to Hamilton County residents in honor of the county’s bicentennial celebration. The contest will be held during the Hamilton County 4-H Fair. Entries will be accepted from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 22 in the Exhibition Center Hall B on the 4-H Fairgrounds located at 2003 Pleasant Street, Noblesville.

Submit a HOMEMADE pie made from a recipe handed down through the generations. Include the recipe with directions. NOTE: No pies needing refrigeration (e.g. pumpkin, custard, sugar cream, etc.) will be accepted. Entries must also include an essay (50 – 100 words) telling the story of how this pie became part of your family history.

Judging begins at 2:00 p.m. Scoring will include pie appearance, flavor and the heart-warming details of your family story. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.

For more information on the Extension Homemakers Program in Hamilton County, contact Purdue Extension Hamilton County at 317-776-0854 or visit https://puext.in/hamcohomemakers