HSHC President & CEO Is Pleading For Your Help

One kennel in our entire building was open this morning. One. So what happens to the next Hamilton County stray or unwanted dog in need of sanctuary? We take them. It’s what an open-admission facility does. The team will find an open office, set up a crate, dial for foster homes, and vigilantly promote our animals for adoption so that animal, and the next one, and the next one, will have a fighting chance.

Our medical department operates as a MASH unit most days with the record-setting number of animals being abandoned and arriving with life-threatening, hit-by-car injuries.

Then there’s the disheartening number of senior animals being surrendered at the point in their lives when they need their people the most. Some come to us at 14+ years old, requiring so much more medical, and emotional, investment, to ensure this is not their last stop in life.

I’m sharing this so you can imagine, for a moment, what a day is like for the incredible staff and volunteers committed to our life-saving efforts. They’re giving it everything they’ve got. The level of compassion fatigue that comes with this career choice is nothing short of soul-crushing some days. Still, I see them return day after day, ready to do it all again—and I am honored to work alongside them.

Please show your support of these incredible efforts by helping us reach our 2023 Matching Campaign goal. There’s just too much at stake to leave anything on the table.

With one day remaining, we are sitting right at $90,114 of our $106,000 campaign goal.

We cannot do what we do without the lights on, or without the supplies needed to keep this

beautiful building clean and healthy, or without these remarkable people who work tirelessly in the service of Indiana’s unwanted, abused and most at-risk animals.

I have faith that we will hit our $106,000 campaign goal before the clock strikes midnight tomorrow. I have faith in our mission, and I have faith in you.

With gratitude,

Rebecca Stevens

President and CEO