New American Legion Will Have Public Tours During Saturday Ice Cream Social
By: Betsy Reason

In Old Town Noblesville, military flags fly on South Eighth Street at the historic R.L. Wilson property, which is the new home of the Noblesville American Legion Frank Huntzinger Post. No. 45.

The new Noblesville American Legion Frank Huntzinger Post No. 45 location celebrates Independence Day with a fireworks display.
Along South Eighth Street in Old Town Noblesville, flags representing all branches of the military service are now flying high next to an historic cannon that was recently moved to its new home.
The Noblesville American Legion Frank Huntzinger Post. No. 45 opened July 1 at 273 S. Eighth St., on the historic R.L. Wilson property.
The public is invited to tour three of the Legion’s four buildings on the new property during an Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social and Bicentennial Event from noon to 3:30 p.m. Saturday while a band performs 1940s and 1950s music. Plus new, assorted kids toys donated by members will be given out.
“This event is open to the public, and we encourage the entire community to go out and explore,” said Legion commander John Morris.
“We like to believe the new post has an appeal to everyone depending on which building you utilize,” he said.
“The main building (R.L. Wilson house) holds the main Post Cantina which is fashioned like a ‘speakeasy meets sports bar.’ It’s beauty is something to see,” he said. The main building also houses the Post’s conference room, offices and “we are putting the final touches on the computer lab and e-gaming suite.”
The building nearest Eighth Street is affectionately referred to as the Gaming Building and houses two shuffleboard tables, a pool table and soon some electronic dart boards. This building also has its own satellite cantina for serving drinks.
The very back building is an event space and the main kitchen. This building will hold meetings and soon be available for event rental by members and the public. This space also includes a private side yard which will soon hold a kids playhouse and, in the future, a kids play set.
There have been lots of items to move to the new location.
The Legion members relocated military flags and had the flags refurbished through A Specialty. An historic cannon was moved by a local volunteer. A Memorial Wall has moved.
But there is still much work to do at the new location.
“As with most construction projects, we are 90 percent completed but have lingering carpenter projects in two of the four buildings,” Morris said. “Supply chain has been difficult to say the least.”
Folks will also enjoy smoke-free buildings.
The new Legion campus will be open to the public every Friday and most first, second and third Saturdays of each month.
In January 2022, The Times reported that voting members of the Legion Post unanimously approved to sell the Conner Street property to an undisclosed buyer and to purchase property elsewhere but was unable to release details of the sale.
The Legion, later in 2022, announced a purchase agreement for the R.L. Wilson property at the same time as Church, Church, Hittle & Antrim (attorneys) entered into a purchase agreement for the former Legion property on Conner Street.
Morris said, “We truly believe this is a giant step into the future for the Noblesville American Legion, and we are already seeing a significant response via new member requests.”
The Legion’s membership year began just 12 days ago, on July 1, and a half dozen new members have already joined. Morris said, “Our annual quota is usually around 10, so this indicates a fast start for sure.”
For information about the Post, how to qualify for membership, and benefits, visit or call 317-773-9985. Membership applications may be found at the Post.
-Betsy Reason writes about people, places and things in Hamilton County. Contact Betsy Reason at [email protected].