Daily Almanac: August 9, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset: RISE: 6:52 a.m.SET: 8:54 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 84 °FLOW: 65 °F Today is…: • Book Lovers Day• National Polka Day• National Veep Day What Happened On This Day: • 1945 An Atomic Bomb is dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. 3 days after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the…

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A Hawiian Luau Party!

Experience an enchanting evening of tropical delight and community gathering at a Hawaiian Luau themed party presented by Moyer Fine Jewelers. Immerse yourself in the vibrant Hawaiian ambiance as we transport you to an island paradise filled with food and desserts. Join us on August 22 at Collective Beauty Salon & Med Spa, for an…

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Stress Fractures, A Serious Micro-Trauma

By: John Roberts I saw a college athlete recently who complained of shin pain. He had been upping his running mileage in preparation for the upcoming cross country season. His pain was due to a stress fracture. Every year, somewhere between five and 30 percent of athletes develop a stress fracture. Briefhaupt first described the…

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In Wake Of Yellow Collapse, Can Trucking Get Greener?

Dear EarthTalk: Is the widely publicized failure of Yellow Trucking actually an opportunity for the U.S. trucking industry to reduce its carbon footprint? While no one likes to see companies fail and people lose their livelihoods, some environmental advocates do see the recent collapse of Yellow Trucking as a way to force the industry down…

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The Postscript by Carrie Classon

Ravages Of A Summer Cold So, I got a cold. If you catch a cold in the winter, everyone is sympathetic. They tell you to drink hot tea and put on another sweater. A cold in the winter just seems like part of the season, and I can turn the thermostat up and wait it…

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Giving Multiplied With School Supplies For Children Overseas

As the school year approaches, shoebox packers are making use of back-to-school prices to purchase gifts and essential items for children in need around the world. Residents in Crawfordsville​ are collecting school supplies, along with personal care items and fun toys, to pack in shoeboxes. Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, will deliver…

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