Hamilton County actors go back to ‘Kindergarten’

Photo courtesy of Epilogue Players

Not everyone is on board when it’s time to let your hair down in Epilogue Players’ production of “Everything I Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten,” a musical comedy based on the writings of Robert Fulghum, directed by Hamilton County resident Daniel Scott Watson. The cast includes Phoebe Aldridge (from left), Josh Rooks, Hamilton County resident Jason Creighton, Marie Beason, and Julie Dutcher, who play multiple roles, telling stories about life and lessons from their youth. The show runs today through Sept. 24 at Epilogue Players in Indianapolis. Reservations at www.epilogueplayers.com.

Photo courtesy of Epilogue Players Epilogue Players’ production of “Everything I Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten,” a musical comedy based on the writings of Robert Fulghum and directed by Hamilton County resident Daniel Scott Watson, is on stage today through Sept. 24 at Epilogue Players. The cast includes Hamilton County residents Heidi Moranski (from left) and Kevin Shadle, and Serita Borgeas and Julie Dutcher. Everyone plays multiple roles telling stories about life and lessons we should remember from our youth. The show runs today through Sept. 24 at Epilogue Players in Indianapolis. Reservations at www.epilogu