Local Community Theaters Ready To Kick Off Seasons

By: Betsy Reason It’s a busy community theater season in Hamilton County, with local theaters readying to kick off their live productions in just a few days. Here’s a roundup of local community theater based in the county with shows to be staged in and around Hamilton County. -Main Street Productions, which operates Basile Westfield…

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What makes Charlotte Brewer smile? “When people say mmmm. I love that so much.” That’s because she was found offering samples of her sweet Charlotte’s Mississippi Mustard and Very Berry Vinaigrette (pictured), served with croutons, and displayed on a yellow-checkered tablecloth, during the Kids Day in August at the Noblesville Farmers Market on Aug. 12.…

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Dispelling Common Misconceptions About Hospice Care

(StatePoint) Hospice is intended to provide comfort and support to patients at the end of their life so that they can experience their remaining time in the best ways possible. Experts say that unfortunately, misconceptions about hospice often lead people to make uninformed decisions at a critical, complex juncture in their lives. “There is often…

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Manage Heart Health For Stronger Brain Health

(Family Features) The same risk factors that contribute to making heart disease the leading cause of death worldwide also impact the rising global prevalence of brain disease, including stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The global death rate from Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is increasing even more than the rate of heart disease death, according…

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Daily Almanac: September 16, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset RISE: 7:28 a.m.SET: 7:56 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 78 °FLOW: 55 °F Today is… • Batman Day• Mayflower Day• Jewish New Year What Happened On This Day: • 1982 Members of a right-wing Lebanese militia massacre 1500-3000 people in two Beirut-area refugee camps. The killings took over three days in the Palestinian refugee camps…

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You Said What Bit You??

By: Dick Wolfsie We have a cat, her name is Angel, and most of the time she is just that. Except when she is a devil. Last week, when Mary Ellen reached for a tissue while watching TV, Angel, who had nestled next to her for the evening, bit her. The cut wasn’t very deep…

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