Daily Almanac: September 15, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset RISE: 7:27 a.m.SET: 7:58 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 78 °FLOW: 50 °F Today is… • Greenpeace Day• International Grenache Day• National Caregivers Day What Happened On This Day: • 1981 John Bull becomes the oldest operable locomotive. The steam locomotive manufactured by the British and operated in New Jersey, US became the world’s oldest…

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Indiana Officials Expect — And Encourage — More Hoosiers To Use 988 Suicide Prevention Hotline

The state’s crisis hotline currently answers nearly 4,000 calls per month, and could go up as awareness increases. By: Casey Smith Indiana officials are renewing their push to make Hoosiers aware of the 988 suicide prevention hotline, although more funding will be needed to further expand the state’s crisis response system. One year after the…

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How Green Is Burning Man?

Dear EarthTalk: I’ve heard a lot about the Burning Man festival of late. Can you shed light on just how “green” or not-so-green this event really is? Burning Man, the annual arts and music festival held in the middle of Nevada’s Black Rock Desert, has garnered global attention for its avant-garde art, radical self-expression, and…

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