Hamilton County Launches Total Solar Eclipse Website

Site is One-Stop Source of Information for Once in a Lifetime Event

Hamilton County has launched a website to provide residents and visitors with information about the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. The website offers a wealth of information on eclipse-related events, safety guidelines, and prime viewing locations, all aimed at ensuring a memorable and safe experience for all.

The 2024 Solar Eclipse website, hosted on the official Hamilton County website, can be accessed at https://hamiltoncounty.in.gov/Eclipse. It provides a detailed calendar of viewing locations, including two eclipse-related events hosted by the Hamilton County Parks and Recreation Department. It also outlines essential safety tips and will provide updates from county agencies like the Highway Department, Emergency Management, 911 Communications, the Health Department, and the Sheriff’s Office. 

County officials are excited about the prospect of Hamilton County being a prime destination for eclipse enthusiasts in 2024. “This is literally a once in a lifetime event,” says Tammy Sander, communications director for Hamilton County. “The last time Hamilton County was in the path of totality during a solar eclipse was well over 200 years ago and it won’t be in the path of totality again for another 300 years. We’re hopeful this website will serve as a one-stop source of information, making it easy for residents and visitors alike to plan for this memorable experience.”