Noblesville And Kokomo Lawyer Launches Bid For 5th District United States Congress

Kokomo and Noblesville Attorney, Mark Hurt, filed his candidacy to run for the United States Congressional seat being vacated by U.S. Congresswoman Victoria Spartz. Mr. Hurt is a Republican candidate.

Hurt spoke of constitutional and common sense conservatism that works to solve real live issues as a backbone of his campaign. Hurt believes he is the right candidate for the time because of his unique combination of strong educational, political and private sector business experience.

My extensive legislative experience and international expertise sets me apart from the pack. My small business experience makes me a better and more mature candidate as I have lived under the regulations and taxes that Congress imposes on us in business. While serving as one small brick in the wall of justice, I learned the importance of earning the trust of the community and law enforcement officers to keep people safe. I believe strongly in term limits, am a pro-life conservative who views the 2nd amendment as a fundamental right, and an American who respects the United States Constitution. All of my views and weekly reform ideas can be located at


Hurt, who earned a master’s degree focused on international relations from Baylor University, noted we must strengthen our military capabilities, maintain peace through strength, stand up for our friend, Israel and stand against the spread of communism from the People’s Republic of China and North Korea, and stand vigilant against the heightened threats from Russian President

Vladimir Putin. Bottom-line, we need to win the hearts and minds of those being suppressed to dictatorial control.

Hurt opposes the advancements of weapons grade uranium in the deep bunkers at Furdo as Iran moves closer to having a nuclear weapon.


Hurt spoke strongly about the need for more active enlisted military personnel, more focus and resources for reservists and National Guardsmen, and unwavering support for veterans who have served the United States. Hurt would like to see targeted and strategic increased spending on military weapons systems, and believes issues such as border security with Mexico should include the expansion of sensors and satellite technologies, now in use in Israel, which can better defend those areas from tunnels and provide surveillance for meandering rivers which flow miles in and miles from the fluid U.S. border.


For over 18 years, Hurt states he has served as one small brick in the wall of justice by serving as a part-time Deputy Prosecuting Attorney at the local level for the State of Indiana. Hurt sees the flow of heroin and illegal drugs into the United States as a major national security problem. Heroin laced with fentanyl is tearing at the fabric of our society. Cartel chemists create potent drugs that lead to death, addiction and a lack of self-control that is splitting our families and leading to a number of grandparents who serve as guardians, working multiple jobs, while caring for grandchildren. Hurt would like tougher penalties on those dealing drugs.


In criminal justice reform, Hurt stated “there is no co-pay and no deductible when receiving mental health care through the jail. I commend the foresight of our elected officials in Indiana in starting an expansion of HIP 2.0 to those leaving the prisons and jails so expanded health care services, transportation, housing and counseling services – medicine evaluation and medical treatment – can occur through forensic diversion. There are no Democrats, Independents or Republicans when it comes to mental health reform. The 20 year tax free bonds and building of the neuro diagnostic center at the Community East campus in central Indiana was much needed.

Federally, Hurt is committed to working with the Indiana delegation to expand loan repayment and loan forgiveness for doctors and counselors willing to serve the mentally ill, believes


In the area of health reform, Hurt supports expansion of competition as a way to reduce the escalating cost of health insurance premiums and co-pays. Hurt noted the billions spent on bureaucracy and taxes have hit small business especially hard. The small business markets have seen large increases in premiums.

Hurt would like individual policies similar to catastrophic coverage under health savings

accounts that allows Americans to buy riders to have added coverage for important areas such as maternity care, chiropractic coverage and many of the other items presently required through state mandates. Hurt supports more insurance companies entering the markets and allowing businesses to build on business commonality, with insurance companies serving businesses operating across state lines with larger purchasing groups and greater negotiating power.


Hurt stated, “At this time, our 5th Congressional District needs a member of the U.S Congress who will fight for the people and support the right changes. We must regain parental control in areas of our children’s lives, protect our U.S. Constitution from those who claim emergencies allow for a change to a living document, and we must fight to ensure that our families, communities and nation are safe.”

Hurt, a former staffer of U.S. Senator Dan Coats, and a business owner of 26 years, spoke strongly about the need to support families – the first line of defense in our national security. Life is precious and you hope the hearts and minds of people work to help them see how precious life and family are. Hurt spoke out against taxpayer funded abortion, supports the Hyde amendment, and supports expanded delivery of health care for all Hoosiers through local community health centers.

Hurt contends: “Government takeovers in health care, costly regulations with no cost/benefit analysis, government intervention in unprecedented sectors of our economy, attacks on religious liberties and so many areas of our individual lives, are fostering dependence, disillusionment, and hopelessness among so many.

Hurt adds: “We need to provide support for mothers and fathers who teach their children the values of hard work, the importance of serving others, and compassion for the poor.”


Hurt believes we must stop the movement of omnibus legislation where Congressional leaders move bills in the last hours of a session, without formal hearings, with legislation not read or understood by those members voting on the proposed laws. Hurt supports institutional reforms requiring hearings and transparency for the American public who desire to be involved in the public policy process.

Hurt stated, “During the past three (3) years of the Biden administration, costly regulations with no cost/benefit analysis, unsustainable spending, attacks on both our religious and personal liberties, attacks on Supreme Court justices and our U.S. Constitution have become all too common. We need a new found respect for the separation of governmental powers. The U.S. Congress must reclaim its authority, not allow the Supreme Court to serve as a rubber-stamping body, push for states’ rights, and for the idea that the state exists to preserve freedoms. Bottom-line, Americans must maintain the rule of law and ensure the judiciary rules on what the law is, not what the law should be.”

Hurt strongly supports regulatory reform efforts requiring a cost benefit analysis and an up and down vote on measures affecting clean coal, clean air and so many other areas of our society. Hurt believes the United States Congress has allowed its legislative functions to be unduly

delegated to unelected staff at administrative agencies. Staff and appointed officials at agencies circumvent Congress, and through obtrusive regulations, growingly bypass elected representatives in carrying out unwise regulations and hidden taxes. Hurt, as a constitutionalist, strongly believes in the separation of powers and the placement of legislative power in the legislative branch of government, not the executive.

On the issue of lawmaking, Hurt states: “America needs leadership that respects the United States Constitution and the rule of law, not just in words, but in actions. We need a newfound respect for the separation of governmental powers, for states’ rights, and for the idea that the state exists to preserve freedoms. We also need a reborn realization that the duty of the judiciary is to say what the law is, not what the law should be.”

Hurt is convinced that a team of committed Congressmen and Senators are needed to work together to provide the needed leadership to advance real solutions for a coherent foreign policy, health care solutions that actually work and a strong and well balanced military that provides for our national security needs. Hurt is convinced that a team of committed Congressman and Senators are needed to work together and provide the needed leadership to advance real solutions for strengthening families and allowing for parental control of textbooks and teaching, protecting and expanding our farmers and their markets, public safety that holds felons accountable, a coherent foreign policy, mental health and health care solutions that actually work, and a strong and well balanced military that provides for our national security needs while cutting out waste and inefficiencies. Yes, a new generation of leadership is needed for the days ahead.


Hurt stated he is “uniquely positioned to help make a difference and move the needle in the right direction.” A graduate of Taylor University (teaching), Baylor University (international relations–political science), Michigan State University College of Law (law), service as a part-time deputy prosecuting attorney, and over 25 years’ experience running a business through my two private law offices in Noblesville and Kokomo, Hurt states he is a working man Republican who will hit the ground running the first day I represent you in Washington, D.C. Prior to the practice of law, I served United States Senator, Dan Coats, helping create health savings accounts, complementing my work on pharmaceutical and medical device issues. For Michigan Governor, John Engler, I traveled the state and worked with the auto industry and National Governors Association to defeat the Clinton health care reforms. And with United States Congressmen Fred Grandy, Hurt played an important role in the floor management on the family and medical leave act, offered private-sector alternatives in health care reform, developed education and labor reforms, and drafted a compromise on the funding of the National Endowment of the Arts. Hurt states that he wants to use this experience to serve this country and the citizens of the state of Indiana.

Hurt is a member of the Christian Legal Society, Federalist Society, National Federation of Independent Business, National Rifle Association, Federalist Society, Christian Legal Society, Grissom Community Council, and Kokomo Chamber of Commerce.

Hurt stated that his extensive legislative experience and international expertise sets him apart from the pack. My small business experience makes me a better and more mature candidate as I have lived under the regulations and taxes that Congress imposes on us in business. While serving as one small brick in the wall of justice, I learned the importance of earning the trust of the community and law enforcement officers to keep people safe. I believe strongly in term limits, am a pro-life conservative who views the 2nd amendment as a fundamental right, and an American who respects the United States Constitution.