For The Record is a public service and regular feature in The Noblesville Times. It is designed to tell you what is scheduled to happen and what actually does happen in meetings paid for with your tax dollars. The Times encourages all citizens to take an active role in being involved in local government.

For your information, attached are the Department Reports for the Monday, Sept. 23, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals in-personmeetings.  The BZA Hearing Officer will start at 5:15 p.m., and the regular BZA Meeting is at 6 p.m.

  • These meetings are open to the public and comments will be allowed during the public hearing portion of each meeting.
  • If members of the public cannot attend the public hearing, submit your written comments to [email protected]. Your comments will be forwarded to each BZA member and made part of the docket.
  • The 5:15 p.m. BZA Hearing Officer meeting will be in-person at City Hall, 2nd Floor in the Council Chambers Room (New Location). The meeting will be video recorded and streamed live. See details below.
  • The 6 p.m. full BZA meeting will be in-person at City Hall, 2nd Floor in the Council Chambers Room.  The meeting will be video recorded and streamed live. See details below.
  • Ways the public can view the 6 p.m. full BZA meeting from home:

5:15 p.m Hearing Officer Public Hearings:

(V) Everwise Credit Union Drive-Thru Variance.                 Info Packet  

The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:

  1. Docket No. PZ-2024-00128 V           UDO Section 3.95.F                Drive Thru Location: Must be located to the rear of the parcel, Site has three frontages therefore this requirement cannot be met.

The 1.15-acre site is located at 10920 N. Michigan Road, at the southwest corner of Weston Pointe Blvd. and Michigan Rd./US 421.  It is zoned B3/Business and US 421 Overlay Zone. Filed by Miranda Seals of The Redmond Company, on behalf of Zionsville Ice Cream LLC., owner.

(V) Beck Residence Variances.                        Info Packet

The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals:

  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00134 V     UDO Section 2.12     35% Maximum lot cover allowed, 38.3% requested.
  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00135 V     UDO Section 5.02(C)(7)     Sideyard Setback – a swimming pool, hot tub, or its deck or equipment shall be set back a minimum of the greater of the following: 10-ft from the side lot line and rear lot line, or be 3-ft from any easement (5.7-ft side setback from lot line requested).
  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00136 V     UDO section 5.79(J)     Window wells cannot project more than 24” into a required yard, 60” projection proposed.

The site is located at 430 1st Ave SE (Foster’s Addition, Lot 1). It is zoned R3/Residence. Filed by Michael & Julie Beck, owners.

(V) Wishart Accessory Building Variance.                  Info Packet

The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval for a gazebo:

  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00137 V           UDO Section 5.02 (B)(3)         The combined square footage of the Ground Floor of a Private Garage and/or Accessory Building shall not exceed 75% of the Ground Floor Area of the Principal Building; 133% requested.

The 0.97-acre site is located at 11642 Rosemeade Drive (Rosemeade Commons, Lots 3 & 4). It is zoned R1/Residence. Filed by Andrew Wishart, owner.

(V) Tru Hotel Sign Variance.               Info Packet

The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:

  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00141 V     UDO Section 5.39 (F)(5)(d)(iii)     Projecting and Blade signs: Shall not extend more than five (5) feet from the face of the Building; ten (10) feet requested.

The 1.13-acre site is located at 12164 N. Meridian Street, immediately north of the Ritz Charles. It is zoned MC/Meridian Corridor and is not within any overlay district. Filed by John Hafner of Cities Edge Architects on behalf of the owner, Dora Hotel Group.

(SE) Smith Short Term Residential Rental.               Info Packet

The applicant seeks the following Special Exception approval for a STRR unit:

  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00142 SE     UDO Section 2.07     Permitted Uses, Residential Special Exception. 

The site is located at 10791 Belair Drive (Lexington Farms, Lot 231). It is zoned R1/Residence. Filed by Christine Smith, owner. 

(V) Baldwin Residence Variances.                   Info Packet

The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals:

  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00143 V     UDO Section 2.04     Minimum 30’ front yard building setback allowed, 25’ requested.
  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00144 V     UDO Section 2.04     Maximum 35% lot coverage allowed, 41% requested.
  • Docket No. PZ-2024-00145 V     UDO Section 2.04      Minimum 10-ft side yard setback, 20-ft aggregate; 6.7 ft requested, 18.9 ft requested.

The site is located at 10367 Woodhall Lane (Woodhall Lane, Lot 5). It is zoned S1/Residence. Filed by Charles Baldwin, owner.

6 p.m. Regular Meeting:

(UV) Recovery Auto Use Variance Renewal.                         Info Packet                         

The applicant seeks the following use variance renewal approval:  

  1. Docket No. PZ-2024-00132 UV         UDO Section 3.01       Prohibited Uses in Overlay, Automobile Sales & Display requested.   The site is located at 10601 College Ave., at the northeast corner of 106th St. and College Ave. It is zoned B2/Business and Home Place Overlay District, Business Sub-Area. Filed be E. Davis Coots of Coots, Henke & Wheeler, PC on behalf of Dianwei Wang and Meili He, owners.