Saluting 2024

Notable Nineties,

Sensational Centenarians

From Time to Thyme

By Paula Dunn

Normally, I would have saluted our Notable Nineties and Sensational Centenarians in the last column of 2024, but the holidays interfered with that, so I’m paying tribute to them at the beginning of 2025 instead.

For anyone who doesn’t know about the Notable Nineties, it’s something Jerry Snyder came up with when she was writing her column for the Times several years ago.

Jerry noticed that Hamilton County had an unusual number of people older than 90. She felt that was an achievement worthy of some kind of special recognition, so she created the Notable Nineties list.

After Jerry passed away, I kept her list going and added the “Sensational Centenarian” designation (“100+!”) for people who have celebrated their 100th birthday.

You don’t have to do anything special to get on the list. Any Hamilton County resident who has observed his or her 90th birthday can be a Notable Ninety.

If you’re aware of someone who meets that requirement and would enjoy seeing their name in the paper, let me know — at any time during the year. I’ll make a special note in the column and put them on the list.

My only condition is that someone asks for a name to be added to the list. That way I know it’s okay for me to make that person’s age public. (You can even add yourself, if you want!) I’m aware that some people would rather have their age remain private and I want to respect that.

Keeping the Notable Nineties list current is more difficult than it used to be. Although I’ve done my best, I can’t guarantee the list below is 100 percent accurate.

If you’re aware of any changes or corrections, please let me know — again, at ANY time during the year. I’d especially like to know when a Notable Ninety turns 100, so I can recognize them as a Sensational Centenarian.

A belated Happy New Year to everyone, especially to our Notable Nineties and Sensational Centenarians! 

(Thanks to Nancy Massey and Lisa Hayner for additional research help.)

Richard “Dick” Beaver

Charlotte “Char” Beer

Clarence “Clem” Beer

Betty Brattain

Charles Burkhardt

Barbara Cartwright

Sarah Cloud

Eunice Collins

Jay Curnutt

Kathryn Mildred Dierdorf

Clifford Eckles

Gwen Galbreath

Don Garrison

Nancy Garrison

Bernice (Reel) Heiny

Glen Heiny

Peggy Hodges

Geraldine (Whelcher) Kinzer

Nancy Lacy

Wilbur Lacy

Helen LeCount (100+!)

Joan Love

Billye Meadows

Ruby Sanders Randall Mendell

Joyce Menefee

Peggy Randall Merrill

Geraldine (Burwell) Miller

Ronald Miller

Rosemary (Leonard) Miller

Jane (Long) Morton

Pat Mosbaugh

Winona Moss

Marianna Mounsey

Helen Nelson

Pat (Guilkey) Paskins

Cathy Rodgers

Jane Roudebush

Alice (Simmerman) Rulon

Carol Rushton

Evelyn Harvey Schmollinger

Ivan “Sonny” Sherman

Iva Lou Sission

Ruth (Guilkey) Stoops

Marilyn Sutton

Carol A. (Roudebush) Swaynie

Mary Waltz

Harriet (Guilkey) Wise

Peggy Yancey