Serving at The Coalition for the Homeless

Journal entry from May 31, 2019:

I visited the Orlando Coalition for the Homeless today. We prepared and served hot meals to many shelter residents, homeless individuals, and a few families, too.

All except two individuals chose prayer cards when offered during the meal. One man told me I worship a different God than his, because his God is a monster. He was angry. We chatted for a minute and he understood that my God…our God, is a God of love much stronger than his monster-god.

Another individual declined any prayer cards telling me he doesn’t believe “in that stuff” and that he didn’t believe in AA either, or in a higher power, but he was polite. I asked him what he did believe in, but he didn’t answer.

Several gentlemen approached me two or three times or called me over to where they were sitting to ask for more prayer cards or just to be recognized or heard. One gentleman carried his well-used Bible and a journal and laid them open in front of him as he tried to eat. He spoke in many disconnected thoughts (he really struggled to keep them together) and approached me several times later, telling me he was better tonight because we spoke positively about God.

Another gentleman was staring into space much of the meal time and ate extremely slowly, but accepted prayer cards. He waved to call me over two more times to get additional cards and he finally whispered a few (mostly inaudible) words at the third encounter.

There was only one gentleman who got out of hand, highly agitated and argumentative with Team Leader Calvin who gave chase outside the dining hall along with security personnel.

There was a single mother and her (angry) grandmother with two small children. (I wished I would have brought the Jesus Activity books and crayons for kids, but they liked the prayer cards, too, just to look at and hold onto).

I asked a woman emptying her trash if she was traveling alone. She explained she was traveling with her husband and she smiled as he approached before they departed for the streets.

Another woman with trembling hands started picking at the trash, but she stopped and turned away when she saw me approaching.

One gentleman asked if I would marry him. I told him as much as I appreciated his proposal, I would probably not be marrying him today.

Two gentlemen wearing lots of gold and durags had blank eyes. Empty eyes, scary eyes, but they (very cautiously) took prayer cards.  (The prayer cards are actually quite a big hit here.)

“They are homeless, but don’t let them leave without hope.” This was my prayer before the night started.

Calvin, the Kitchen Director, said a prayer at the start of the meal for each of the two meal shifts. He says he likes to pray, so I yielded to him. But due to the volume of people coming and going throughout the allotted time span to eat, many did not pray for their meal. I think many of them would have been receptive with guidance. (Forgive me, Lord, I should have offered individually; it is difficult to keep track and keep up.) Maybe we should have considered setting up a prayer table, too (?), but time and people moved so quickly, it may not be practical in this setting. This organization has their routine and it works to help feed the many who are hungry.

Before leaving, I gave Calvin a Bible and we reviewed the Concordance together, but I could see he struggled to read the small print. This particular faithful servant will receive a larger print Bible, I shall see to that.

[Lord, please protect all of them wherever they travel and pour your mercy, comfort, and love over them. Bless them all and all those who came to help. They are all your children and you are their hope for better days. Amen.]

[Thought for today, January 26, 2025]- I wonder how many people I met that day are still in Orlando; still hungry, still homeless, still alive. It’s almost six years ago and still, I pray.

And there, but by the grace of God, go I. And I am humbly thankful. (And, yes, Calvin did receive his large-print Bible).

Psalm 23:5 (NLT)

“You prepare a feast for me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
    My cup overflows with blessings.

(Our enemies are not your children, Lord, but that which works against us).

Bonnie Zickgraf is a retired pastor, author, columnist for The Times, an RN in mental health nursing and health plan accreditations. Send comments and prayer requests to [email protected]