Host of Local Business Make “Best” List
Each year the Indiana Chamber of Commerce compiles a listing of the best places to work in Indiana. Thelist features honorees from all corners of the state and more than 20 industries. Each year, Hamilton County shines brightly in it – and this year was no exception.
Altogether, 26 business located here made the list out of 150 total. The list is broken into multiple categories, small (15-34 U.S. employees), small-medium (35-74), medium (75-249), large 9250-999) and major (1,000 U.S. employees or more). Carmel led the way with 18 businesses across all categories. Noblesville had three, TMG Construction Management, Interactive Digital Solutions and Ryan Fireprotection. Fishers had four companies and Westfield one.
“We all recognize that currently there is intense competition for talent. This program is a great way for organizations to take the temperature of their culture and how it’s resonating with today’s workers,” Indiana Chamber President and CEO Vanessa Green Sinders said. “Companies on the right cultural track also are much more likely to be effective across the board and have increased productivity and overall success. We salute each of this year’s winners for their commitment to displaying best practices in their workplaces, which are enabling them to attract and retain employees.”
The top companies in the state were determined through employer reports and comprehensive employee surveys. The Workforce Research Group handled the selection process.