Letter to the Editor: Reader Has Suggestions for State

Dear Editor,

In regard to the stockpile of money the state of Indiana owes its taxpayers. Instead of the state paying back a small portion of the six billion, they could have given the taxpayers a relief from filing any income taxes (comparable to the student loan forgiveness) for a year or two or even better yet, eliminate the seven percent sales tax on all utilities such as heat and cooling energy, electrical, waste water (sewer), water, land line and cell phones (yes, they are a necessary utility), cable TV, Wifi for computer use and any other utility home owners use to run their homes. This tax elimination would be permanent and as utility cost are rising so does the 7% tax.

Why not give the same forgiveness to all businesses as well? I would also encourage eliminating the food and beverage 2% tax that supports Lucus Oil stadium. (Is that the name it goes by, I can’t keep up with all of the sports and entertainment name changes.) By allowing this automatic tax relief, Indiana taxpayers would also save on the time taken to mail out and postage paid for those checks that have been promised. This permanent seven percent tax relief would be a great gift to Indiana taxpayers.

Mari Briggs
