Naval Academy Glee Clubs to Perform with Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra for Veterans Day

The internationally acclaimed U.S. Naval Academy Men’s and Women’s Glee Clubs will appear as guest artists with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra in Indianapolis to celebrate Veterans Day. Performances will be held next Friday at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.; Saturday at 8 p.m.; and Sunday at 2 p.m.  All performances will be at the Hilbert Circle Theatre on Monument Circle.

Tickets are available online at and through the Box Office by calling (317) 639-4300.

The concert theme will be A Veterans Day Salute including patriotic Pops music from Broadway, and choir classics. Also appearing with the Glee Clubs and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra will be the USNA Pipes and Drums Corps.

The USNA Glee Club comprises 85 singers and includes members of the Men’s and Women’s Glee Clubs. The Men’s Glee Club has achieved international prominence as one of the world’s premier men’s choruses, and the Women’s Glee Club is the only all-female military choral ensemble in the world. Appearances on network television include The Kennedy Centers Honors (CBS), The Today Show (NBC), and several nationwide broadcasts featuring the National Anthem.

The Glee Clubs annually perform choral-orchestral works collaborating with the nation’s leading symphonic organizations.  Recent orchestral collaborations include performances as guest artists with the Minnesota Orchestra, Memphis Symphony, Dallas Symphony, Charlotte Symphony, Jacksonville Symphony, Winston-Salem Symphony and the Rochester Philharmonic. In the past decade alone, the Glee Clubs have performed extensively throughout the United States and abroad to include concert tours to Great Britain, Chile, Italy, Argentina, and Brazil.

“We are excited to be able to bring this acclaimed Glee Club to perform in Indianapolis with the world-renowned Indianapolis Symphony and their widely-acclaimed Principal Pops Conductor Jack Everly,” said Glee Club Director Dr. Aaron Smith.

The Glee Club includes several midshipmen from Indiana, two of whom are from the Indianapolis area, to include Midshipman 4/C (Freshman) Grace Sullivan from Carmel, Ind., and Midshipman 4/C (Freshman) Allan Williams from Indianapolis (Irvington neighborhood), Ind.

“I am looking forward to coming home to Indiana with my good friends in the Glee Club to  perform before my family and friends,” said Sullivan. A recent graduate of Shortridge High School, Allan Williams was a chorister and choir member at Trinity Episcopal Church for many years.

“The opportunity to perform with a world class symphony as a member of the USNA Glee Club is a unique opportunity and honor for me and my shipmates,” William said.

About the U.S. Naval Academy:

Founded in 1845 as one of the nation’s service academies, the U.S. Naval Academy today is a prestigious four-year undergraduate university that prepares midshipmen morally, mentally and physically to be professional officers in the naval service. More than 4,400 men and women representing every state in the U.S. and several foreign nations make up the student body, known as the Brigade of Midshipmen.

Midshipmen learn from military and civilian professors and participate in intercollegiate athletics and extra-curricular activities. Twenty-five percent of the student body are involved in musical activities.  They also study subjects such as small arms, drill, seamanship and navigation and tactics, naval engineering and weapons, leadership, ethics and military law.

Upon graduation, midshipmen earn a tax-payer funded Bachelor of Science degree in one of 25 different academic majors and go on to serve at least 5 years of rewarding service as commissioned officers in the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marine Corps.

For more information on the USNA Glee Club, go to /music.

For more information about the Naval Academy, visit or the Naval Academy’s Facebook page at

About the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra:

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, at home and thriving in the heart of Indianapolis, offers an exceptional artistic and musical experience. The orchestra is open to all and dedicated to creating an inclusive and innovative experiential environment that is inspiring, educational, and welcoming.

The ISO celebrates historically beloved performances while engaging audiences by introducing new voices through programming including the DeHaan Classical Series, the Printing Partners Pops Series, the holiday traditions of AES Indiana Yuletide Celebration and the popular Film Series presented by Bank of America.

For more information, visit