County Probation Services Applauds Growth of Wall of Change Honorees

The Hamilton County Courts’ Department of Probation Services celebrated five individuals on Nov. 16 at its annual Wall of Change Celebration in the Jury Assembly Room at the Government & Judicial Building in Noblesville. The department nominates individuals who have made meaningful, positive changes to their lives while on probation.

“A lot of people hear about probation when someone has violated their terms,” says Paul McGriff, Assistant Director of the Department of Probation Services. “But the vast majority of people complete probation and there are many making big, difficult changes to better their lives and their community. Their accomplishments deserve to be celebrated.”

Rob Bartlett and Garrett Steele were among those honored for their achievements. Steele started using drugs when he was just 14 years old and a freshman at Noblesville High School. He has spent his entire adult life in and out of prison and living on the streets. Steele has 16 felony convictions – all related to drugs and alcohol. He is now sober and teaching others about the dangers of addiction.

“A lot of people end up in the system and don’t get the help they need,” Steele says. “Addiction is more than just a physical disorder. It’s also in the heart. So, if you ever see someone suffering, extend a hand. Listen to them. Love on them. That may be all the motivation they need to start turning their lives around.”

“While on probation I have seen Garrett succeed in his career as a car salesman and find a passion for ministry,” says Heather Grinstead, the probation officer who nominated Garrett for the Wall of Change.

“He is committed to maintaining his sobriety long term and is motivated to strengthen his personal relationships and offer a hand up to those who need it.” 

Twelve individuals have now received the Wall of Change Award. Everyone awarded with the honor has a plaque hanging in the lobby of the Department of Probation Services. “At least two of this year’s award recipients mentioned seeing the Wall of Change and wanting to be on it someday,” McGriff adds.

“When we started the program, we really just wanted to honor those who made the 180-degree change in their lives. So, it’s really cool to find out now that those plaques are inspiring others to make the change.”