Boomer Bits: AMAC’s 2020 Man of the Year

The Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] membership voted for President Donald Trump to be its 2020 Man of the Year but had delayed its presentation due to the pandemic. Rebecca Weber, AMAC’s CEO, finally had the opportunity to present it to the former president at an event at his Mar-a-Lago estate on December 1. To say that a majority of the association’s membership voted for him is an understatement, says Weber; 42,187 votes were cast of which 34,123 were for Mr. Trump– a more than 80% margin.

In a report in the AMAC Magazine announcing the honor, AMAC cited President Truman who said that “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” Donald J. Trump was, indeed, a skillful leader, according to Weber.

In presenting the award to the former president, she recalled the early days of his administration — the country was in “economic disarray” and the new president faced “a dangerous world crisis and a political opposition that would stop at nothing to prevent his success.”

That didn’t stop him, Weber recalled. “He did what he needed to do and that was to Make America Great Again. He cut taxes and regulations, leading to the greatest economy our nation has ever seen. He forged new trade deals to defend American workers. He secured our border; rebuilt our military; made America energy independent; and mobilized our country like never before.”

“Under President Trump’s leadership, America defeated the ISIS Caliphate, eliminated dozens of notorious terrorists, and brought peace closer in the middle east with the historic Abraham Accords … He kept the cruel Iranian regime in check and brought North Korea to the negotiating table and stopped its nuclear threats.”

Weber concluded her speech by stating “the facts can’t be argued with, and the record is clear … and someday historians will have to say what the American people already know: Donald J. Trump was the most successful first-term president in all of American history.”

Prior to the event, AMAC had also collaborated with renowned artist Jon McNaughton on an original painting to present to President Trump. Jon McNaughton is America’s foremost conservative artist. An outspoken critic of the left, McNaughton strives to paint images that express his ideas and beliefs. The painting is fittingly titled “Saving a Generation,” a nod to President Trump’s Supreme Court appointments that all voted in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade. The painting description states the following:  “President Donald J. Trump has saved more American lives than any other President in American History. How was this possible? One of the greatest acts that President Donald J. Trump did during his presidency was to appoint three conservative justices to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Generations will thank him for his profound respect for the Constitution and the life of every unborn child. The monumental overturning of Roe v Wade will result in millions of lives saved for generations to come.” McNaughton’s purpose behind his painting is to communicate that although American politics are filled with nuance and shades of grey, he sees the world through a prism of light and truth. He wants future generations to know exactly how he felt during this time in our country’s history.

Former President Trump was moved by the event and thanked Rebecca for her great speech and award. It attracted a crowd of 600, including not only the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., but a cadre of high-profile friends and politicians. This special night was one to remember, not only by Rebecca and the Association of Mature American Citizens but by former President Donald J. Trump as well.