Daily Almanac: Dec. 23, 2022

RISE: 8:03 a.m.
SET: 5:22 p.m.
High/Low Temperatures:
HIGH: 2 °F
LOW: -8 °F
Today is…
• Festivus
• National Roots Day
• National Pfeffernüsse Day
What Happened On This Day:
• 1913 The Federal Reserve Act is signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson, creating the Federal Reserve System
• 1970 The North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City is topped out at 1,368 ft.
• 1968 The 82 sailors from the USS Pueblo are released after eleven months of internment in North Korea
Births On This Day:
• 1963 Jim Harbaugh
American football player
• 1964 Eddie Vedder
American singer-songwriter guitarist
Deaths On This Day:
• 1953 Lavrentiy Beria
Soviet politician
• 2007 Oscar Peterson
Canadian pianist and composer