What makes Aili McGill smile? “Being surrounded by creativity,” said the 39-year-old Noblesville resident, the executive director of 10 years for Nickel Plate Arts campus in downtown Noblesville. McGill is a newlywed, married to professional illustrator and comic book artist Stuart Sayger. Today’s feature is a look back at one of The Times’ previous Faces of Hamilton County. McGill has been preparing for months for Welcome to Fairyville, which is now here, with activities continuing today and Saturday at the Nickel Plate Arts campus and throughout downtown Noblesville. Fairy houses made by local groups and individuals of all ages will be on display on a Fairyville Trail. Fairy-inspired vendor wares will be sold on the Courthouse Square. At various locations around downtown, Fairyville After Dark will occur tonight. Nickel Plate Express Fairy Caboose will pick up passengers Saturday, and take them to Fairyville. And kids can join a tea during four sessions on Saturday at the Birdie Gallery. Also, watch for the Fairyville Parade from Nickel Plate Arts to the Courthouse. Read more details in the Betsy Reason column in today’s edition of The Times and at