Rep. Spartz Announces 2023 Congressional Art Competition Winner

Rep. Victoria Spartz (IN-05) announced the winner of the 2023 Congressional Art Competition. Started in 1982 by the U.S. House of Representatives, this annual competition highlights high school students’ artistic works from across the country.

This year’s winner, Maya Bhagwat is a junior at Carmel High School in Hamilton County. Her winning artwork, called ‘Indian-American Oil on Canvas’ will be placed on display in the Cannon Tunnel of the U.S. Capital building in Washington, D.C. for one year, next to winning artwork from other Congressional districts.

“The talent that Maya and many other young artists throughout Indiana’s Fifth District possess is incredible,” said Rep. Spartz. “I want to thank all participants and I look forward to seeing Maya’s artwork displayed in our nation’s capital.”

The Congressional Art Competition is designed to support the arts and showcase the talent of young artists nationwide. With her winning artwork, Maya has highlighted not only her talent but the vibrant diversity we have here in our district.