Noblesville Lions Hosts Riverview Health CEO

On Wednesday, May 24th, the Noblesville Lions hosted Dave Hyatt, newly hired CEO of Riverview Health. Dave comes with 15 years of healthcare experience. He highlighted some of the challenges of healthcare today, and some strategies of Riverview Health. The past few Covid years affected service of the hospital, which were overcome to a point, but with a lot of changes.

The hospital is looking into changes to systems and new equipment to help with the growth of need in Hamilton County. Certain areas of the hospital are in need of more specialist doctors, which is being worked on today. Currently, Riverview has two hospitals, Noblesville and Westfield; with 25 to 30 medical locations in the county. Lion members asked a lot of questions, developing more discussions.

Photo: Dave Hyatt and Lion Vp Walt Scheid