Tipton/Hamilton County Farm Service Agency Committee (COC) Election

June 15 through August 1, is the period for nominating farmers as candidates for the local COC election. This year the LAA (Local Administrative Area) holding the election in Tipton County is LAA 2, which includes Cicero and Liberty Townships, and Hamilton County is LAA 4, which includes Adams, Clay, Jackson, and Washington Townships. FSA encourages all eligible producers to nominate themselves, or another eligible producer, to run for office. Nomination forms (FSA-669A’s) are available:

· at http://www.fsa.usda.gov/elections, and scroll down to the links under “Election Materials” and click “2023 Nomination Form”

· by picking up FSA-669A at your local FSA office at 243 Ash Street, Suite A, Tipton, IN 46072-1752

· by calling your local office at 765-675-2316 and requesting FSA-669A be sent to you.

Further information about the County Committee structure and eligibility can be found at http://www.fsa.usda.gov/elections, or by contacting the Tipton/Hamilton County FSA Office at 765-675-2316.