Noblesville Masons Clean Up Their Adopted Street

Last Saturday morning, the Masons of Noblesville Lodge No. 57 gathered, for the second time this year, for their street clean up with participating Masons, Mark Winemiller, Jake, Kyle Moser, Rob Grimes, Chris Hurlock (chairman), Ron Williamson, Gene Beck and Kris Cummings (behind the camera). The Masons several years ago joined the Noblesville Adopt-A-Street program, which assists the Noblesville Street Department in keeping their city beautiful. The Masons do clean up on their adopted street twice a year during their long term commitment, which is Hague Rd. from 196th Street to Carrigan Road in Noblesville. A sign with their organization’s name is posted in their area on Hague Road just South of Noblesville West Middle School Bus Garage.