Noblesville Hall of Fame Inductees Honored
Noblesville Schools has announced eight inaugural inductees into their new Hall of Fame.
“These individuals have made a significant, positive impact on our schools and the Noblesville community, and are more than worthy of this recognition,” shared Dr. Dan Hile, superintendent of Noblesville Schools. “We’re pleased to officially and permanently honor their legacy with Noblesville Schools and look forward to celebrating them with their family and friends at our Hall of Fame induction ceremony later this year.”
The honorees are:
Richard Dellinger
Richard (Dick) Dellinger joined Noblesville High School in 1959 as a government teacher and spent almost 40 years inspiring thousands, including fellow Hall of Fame honoree Kathy Kreag Williams who attributes her involvement with government to Dellinger. A beloved educator, senior class sponsor, “Voice of the Millers,” 150th anniversary Noble Miller, and longtime state legislator representing Noblesville, Dellinger was an active community contributor during his lifetime and a proud reflection of Noblesville Schools.
Vickie Ely
Vickie Ely graduated from Noblesville High School, married her NHS sweetheart, and began working at Noblesville Schools washing dishes in the NHS cafeteria at the age of 18. She worked her way up to managing the cafeteria and a staff of 20 employees, serving millions of school meals over 40 years of service. Ely is a hard worker, always willing to adapt and learn new skills. Serving lunch was more than just a job to her and she is especially known for her kind leadership, care for students and love for Noblesville Schools.
Julia Church Kozicki
A Noblesville High School graduate, Jeopardy champion, and one of the longest serving school board members in Noblesville Schools history, Julia Church Kozicki is known not only for her numerous influential contributions to the district, but also her state leadership in school law, finance and policy. Kozicki championed multiple referendum campaigns, served on the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation board, led several community organizations and has received numerous recognition honors including being named a 150th anniversary Noble Miller.
John Land
A Noblesville High School graduate, and former Noblesville Schools educator and principal for nearly 40 years, John Land was the first to lead Hazel Dell Elementary when it opened in 1989 and was adored by students, staff and families throughout his years of service. A humble leader, he advocated for others, created a culture of excellence and belonging, and had a gift for making everyone in his school feel special. When he wasn’t cheering on the Millers and supporting students, he was creating a lasting legacy of compassion and community.
Bryan Mills
Noblesville High School graduate, 150th anniversary Noble Miller, and distinguished Central Indiana community leader, Bryan Mills maintains his strong Noblesville roots. He is an attentive and generous supporter of Noblesville Schools, Noblesville Youth Baseball, the Boys and Girls Club of Noblesville, and United Way of Central Indiana. A Sunday school teacher and former coach, in addition to his role as CEO of Community Health, Mills was instrumental in developing a new partnership to provide enhanced mental health services to students and staff at Noblesville Schools.
Tony Oilar
A Noblesville Schools institution for more than 40 years, rumor has it that former educator, coach, and athletic director Tony Oilar bleeds black and gold. Oilar is respected for his strong relationships with students, coaches, teachers, and community members, his deep knowledge of Millers history, and his strong work ethic. A 150th anniversary Noble Miller, Miller Backers supporter, and member of the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation, his passion for athletics has helped lead thousands of Millers to victory.
Rick Towle
Rick Towle was at the heart of middle school education in Noblesville for nearly 40 years and is a 150th anniversary Noble Miller. Formerly a science teacher at Noblesville East Middle School, Towle is known for creating an outdoor education center, leading students to the rainforest, coaching, directing drama productions, serving as an assistant athletic director, managing AV, catering meals, running food drives and much more. His wealth of knowledge and unwavering support of students and staff made him a respected leader and mentor to many.
Kathy Kreag Williams
Perhaps one of the most well-known Millers fans, Noblesville High School graduate Kathy Kreag Williams can frequently be seen at events demonstrating her black & gold pride. Noblesville’s representative in the Indiana House for 26 years, Williams is a dedicated school supporter. A Miller Ambassador and 150th anniversary Noble Miller, she was a leader in the NHS Alumni Association for many years and now spreads her love for our schools through her service with the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation.
The district solicited Hall of Fame nominations from the community and a selection committee chose individuals who best demonstrated exceptional service, support, accomplishments or contributions to Noblesville Schools. The Hall of Fame initiative is a collaboration between Noblesville Schools and the Noblesville Schools Education Foundation (NSEF), with honorees being announced at NSEF’s 2025 Miller-Palooza event. The district is currently exploring options for a permanent structure to honor Hall of Fame inductees and will share more details as those plans are finalized.
Nominations are open for future Hall of Fame inductees. Eligibility criteria, nomination guidelines and the application to nominate can be found at