Daily Almanac: Feb. 09, 2022


RISE: 7:48 a.m.

SET: 6:16 p.m.

High/Low Temperatures

High: 40 °F

Low: 30 °F

Wacky Holiday Today

• Chocolate Day

• Read in the Bathtub Day

• Pizza Pie Day

What Happened On This Day

• 1964 The Beatles embark on their first tour in the United States

• 1969 The Boeing 747 flies for the first time

Births On This Day

• 1942 Carole King

American singer-songwriter, pianist

• 1737 Thomas Paine

English/American theorist, author

Deaths On This Day

• 1857 Dionysios Solomos

Greek poet

• 1881 Fyodor Dostoyevsky Russian author