Duke Energy Donates ‘Prepare to Be Awesome’ STEM Kit to HHES

Duke Energy donated a supply kit to Hamilton Heights Elementary School which provides science and engineering materials for K-4 students during STEM learning. The materials included in this kit are designed to help promote curiosity and learning through hands-on engagement.

Hamilton Heights Elementary school has long focused a part of its curriculum and enrichment programs around STEM, or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics-based education. The focus on hands-on learning with real-world applications engages students and teaches them more than basic science and mathematics concepts. It helps develop a variety of skill sets, including creativity and 21st-century skills such as media and technology literacy, productivity, social skills, communication, and initiative. Other skills learned through STEM education include problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, collaboration, decision making, leadership, and much more as part of preparing them to be flexible and innovative in the rapidly changing 21-st century.

“Duke is committed to promoting STEM education for all ages,” said Dagny Zupin, Community Relations Liaison for Duke Energy. “It’s wonderful to see Heights incorporating these hands-on experiences at the primary level.”

“HHES and Duke’s longstanding partnership benefits our STEM learning along with other programs such as our summer Jump Start Program,” said Julie Griffey, HHES Principal. “We are extremely grateful to have Duke Energy a partner in education.”

“There’s nothing better than to unexpectedly receive a HUGE box of STEM supplies along with a host of science discovery ideas,” added Joanne Renfro, HHES STEM teacher. “Thank you Duke Energy!”