Sheridan Resident Katheryn Thompson Turns 105 Years Old
The Sheridan Historical Society enjoys celebrating the people and events associated with the community and recently they celebrated an incredibly special birthday. One of their charter members from 1969 just had a birthday. Her 105th birthday to be exact. That is a real milestone and it deserves recognition.
Katheryn was born on April 6, 1917 and has been a member of the Sheridan community her whole life and despite her age she appears to not have slowed up one bit. The Sheridan Historical Society celebrated her birthday at their monthly membership meeting and while she initially seemed a little timid about the event, once we sang happy birthday and sliced up the cake, Katheryn became quite the chatterbox. She lives with her niece Susan who transported her to the meeting, and afterwards Susan told Steve Martin, VP of the Historical Society, that Katheryn was having a grand time talking with all the “younger” people in attendance. Obviously, most of Katheryn’s contemporaries have passed away but she enjoyed talking with the children and grandchildren of those former contemporaries who are current members of the Society. What the society thought might be a short celebration turned into a big and enjoyable evening for Katheryn, and for everyone else, too.
So, Happy Birthday, Katheryn. You have given us all an example of how to remain young and vibrant despite our advancing years.