Keep Noblesville Beautiful Awarded IDDC Public Art Activation Grant

(Photo courtesy of Dagny Zupin)
A rendering of the proposed roundabout installation celebrating Morse Reservoir. The installation is planned for the intersection of Hauge and Carrigan roads.

Keep Noblesville Beautiful was among one of 49 organizations awarded almost $250,000 by the Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC) to support public art projects throughout the state.

The Noblesville nonprofit received $5,000 to fund a portion of their roundabout sculpture planned for the Hauge and Carrigan Road intersection.

The sculpture pays tribute to the tourism and aquatic recreation opportunities brought to Noblesville thanks to nearby Morse Reservoir. Dubbed “Sail Away IN Indiana,” the sculpture is the work of artist Kevin Huff, whose previous work includes the “Embrace the Trace” sculpture installed on Hazel Dell Road in 2021.

“Keep Noblesville Beautiful is excited to celebrate one of Noblesville’s most important natural resources with this highly visible public art piece” said Darren Peterson, Keep Noblesville Beautiful Board President. “We are grateful to the IDDC for continuing to support public art and the vibrancy it adds to our growing communities.”

“Sail Away IN Indiana” is scheduled for a late fall 2022 installation. Those interested in making a tax-deductible contribution to support public art and clean community initiatives can visit