Daily Almanac: October 12, 2023

Sunrise/Sunset: RISE: 7:53 a.m.SET: 7:14 p.m. High/Low Temperatures: HIGH: 78 °FLOW: 54 °F Today is…: • Freethought Day• National Farmer’s Day• World Sight Day What Happened On This Day: • 1979 Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Hits the Bookstores. The first in a “trilogy of five”, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, or…

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Colleen Williams-Beckner

September 30, 1940, Thursday, October, 5, 2023 Colleen Williams-Beckner, 83, of Boynton Beach, Florida passed away Thursday, October 5, 2023 at the Hospice of Palm Beach County. She was born on September 30, 1940 to Frank E. Williams and Martha B. Williams in Noblesville, Indiana. Colleen was a 1959 graduate of Noblesville High School and…

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What makes Sydney Strange smile? “Watching everyone get along and meeting people at club meetings and or just here in general,” said the 14-year-old, a freshman at Fishers High School, a seven-year 4-H’er who has been in Junior Leaders four years. She is secretary of Junior Leaders. Why 4-H? “It’s always just been such a…

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The Delaware Township Quiz

By: Paula Dunn Hamilton County’s Bicentennial celebration moves to Delaware Township in October. Are you ready to test your knowledge of Delaware Township history? 1. True or False — Delaware Township has always covered the same geographic area. 2. One of Hamilton County’s covered bridges used to be located in Delaware Township. What was its…

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