The Postscript

Nothing is as fun as eating broccoli and breaking bad habits “I bought more broccoli because I knew you were coming,” my mother informed me. You can never get enough broccoli, that is my belief. I am lucky in that I never had to acquire a taste for vegetables out of some sort of concern…

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It is not about luck, it is about gratitude

“It’s not about luck,” my friend Andrew insists, “it’s about gratitude.” Andrew is not some sort of New Age guide, in case you were wondering. He is a slightly curmudgeonly tax preparer and not given to feel-good platitudes. He was refuting what I had said, which was that luck has played a significant role in…

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From Carrie . . .

I walk around my neighborhood later in the evening these days, mostly so I can see the lights. There are some impressive houses just a mile or so away, and I walk down the sidewalks and see what has appeared on the lawns and in the windows now, right before Christmas. Some of the houses…

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Worth Waiting For

Yesterday I bought a Christmas tree at the hardware store. I thought it was a good day to do it both because I’d heard the rumors of Christmas tree shortages and because it would keep me away from my email for more than an hour—a near record in the last two weeks. No one tells…

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