Feeling down in a senior slump? Me too!

When I reached my 50th birthday, I tried to deny that it represented a turning point in my life. As I reported then, AARP slipped my membership kit under my front door at the stroke of midnight. I hadn’t thought much about getting old until I bent over to pick up the brochure from the…

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Passing remarks for those who have passed on

At the end of each year, news stations recount notable people who passed away during the previous 12 months. I’d like to mention a few who meant a great deal to me… Baseball lost a treasure in 2021. In 1974, Henry Aaron slugged career homerun number 715, eclipsing Babe Ruth’s record after 39 years.  Aaron…

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From Dick . . .

I began writing this weekly column in December of 1999, crafting almost 1,100 essays over 22 years. One of the great pleasures in my life is to receive a note from a reader thanking me for giving them a smile. Some forward my column to friends around the country, but my favorite compliment is when…

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She asks me not to roost in just any room

Mary Ellen and I have a standing argument—literally, a standing argument. She claims that the first thing I do when I enter a room is sit down.  “That makes you seem old,” she said, “and I know you are concerned about not portraying that image.”  Which surprised me, because I always thought it was my…

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