My Finger Is Stuck!

By: John Roberts I have seen many patients over the years who presented with problems getting their fingers to move. They all described pain with “catching” or “popping” when trying to flex or extend a finger. They suffered from trigger finger, a condition also known as trigger digit, or by the medical term stenosing tenovaginitis.…

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Restless Leg Syndrome

By: John Roberts Someone told me the other day that they thought “restless leg syndrome” (RLS) was a condition cooked up by pharmaceutical companies to sell medications. You may have seen commercials for Requip® and Mirapex®, both drugs used to treat this condition. People have described symptoms suggestive of restless legs since the 17th Century.…

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Norovirus; Gut-Wrenching Details

By: John Roberts Stomach flu has been making the rounds lately. I have to start by dispelling a common misconception people have that all types of “flu” are the same. “Stomach flu” is not caused by the same viruses that cause respiratory illnesses. Flu shots, given this time of year to help prevent respiratory influenza,…

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Everything You Need To Know About Head Lice

By: John Roberts I’ve heard about a few cases of head lice now that kids are back in school and the weather is cooling down. Head lice are white, and about the size of a sesame seed. They are known as obligate ectoparasites. Obligate means they require a placental mammal like a human host to…

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Antibiotics Are Good – Right?

By: John Roberts There is no doubt that antibiotics have saved millions of lives, but is it all good news? I suspect you have been seeing more news stories related to problems with overprescribing antibiotics that can result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, warned of this inevitability in his Nobel Prize acceptance…

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What Causes Shingles And What To Do About It

By: John Roberts I’ve had a number of requests to re-run my column on shingles. This may be due to the successful marketing campaign for Shingrix® vaccine, developed to reduce the incidence of this often painful malady. The ads are quite accurate and compelling. Shingles is a condition caused by the Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV). The…

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“Curse Of The Celts” A Deep Dive Into Rosacea

By: John Roberts The comedian W.C. Fields once said, “I never drink water; that’s the stuff that rusts pipes.” This was in response to a question about his alcohol habit. So what do alcohol and W.C. Fields have to do with this week’s topic of rosacea? Read on. Rosacea is a common skin condition usually…

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Concussions, A Traumatic Brain Injury That Cannot Be Ignored

By: John Roberts I see many patients every year who have suffered concussions. Usually these are athletic injuries, but it is frequently seen in others as well. Concussions have always been a part of sports, particularly those involving high-energy impacts including wrestling, football, soccer, lacrosse, basketball, and baseball/softball. Intensive research, along with lawsuits, including the…

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