Almost Never Say Always

I’m never a person big on making New Year’s resolutions. That’s probably a good thing, since it is mid-April. I always complain that my life is still in the same ol’ rut. Yet, I never seem to change the habits that hold me back almost every time. This year, I’m concentrating on removing three words…

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Ten Classic Political Speeches Spoken on Indiana Soil

With the advent of war comes great prose. Just as May 1940 found Prime Minister Winston Churchill rallying his nation at the beginning of the blitz in the Battle of Britain, we have witnessed great oratory from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. There has been great, enlightened oratory over the centuries here in Indiana. Here are…

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A Lot of Cake

The plan was to buy everyone cake. My husband, Peter, and I are finally getting ready to leave Mexico, and we can’t say we are too happy about it. The last two months in San Miguel de Allende have convinced us that it is a place we want to return to, and now leaving it…

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2022 Toyota Tundra Takes Us Forward to 1794

I’d like to believe the 2022 Toyota Tundra 1794 takes its moniker from the year a hearty bunch of patriots staged their Whiskey Rebellion against revenuers. They’re my kind of people, but it’s more likely a nod to the Tundra’s assembly location near San Antonio, Texas that’s built where a ranch was founded by Juan…

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Shoulder Pain – Part 1

The next two weeks, I’d like to address shoulder pain and injuries. Most people experience shoulder pain at some point in their lives. Doctors see it in athletes, people who overuse their shoulders, and others who may have fallen or received a blow directly to their shoulder, or fallen on their outstretched arm. To understand…

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Split Decision

While at a recent speaking engagement in Lafayette, I chatted with a man from nearby Otterbein, a dot on the map in northwest Indiana, with a population around 1,200.  I wasn’t familiar with the town, despite my having visited much of the state several years ago for a book I was writing, called Indiana Curiosities.…

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Getting into the Pooh Mood is Easy for Actor

If you’ve ever wondered if seeing a grown man dressed in a Winnie-the-Pooh costume is worth the price of admission, you will have gotten your money’s worth attending this show. Yes, you can almost taste the honey. Noblesville’ Daniel Shock — who has identified with the honey-loving Pooh since Shock was “a skinny kid” —…

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