Middle Ages. Part 2

Although some terrible viruses are around today, we’ve still got it better then folks who lived between the 5th and 15th centuries. Those were called the Middle Ages because surviving to 50 seemed impossible. Here’s the deal: if you were a nobleman, you could live well if you owned enough land. But manor homes didn’t…

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Cooler Heads Prevailed

Sunday night, at midnight mind you, I decided to get a head start on the grilling season. If that seems like a peculiar time to begin grilling, you’ll find the appliance that I used to be quite unconventional, too. I used the grille of my car. Those of you who groaned at my pun should…

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The Looming And Crowded GOP Gubernatorial Field

Are you running for governor in 2024? That was the question I had for U.S. Rep. Jim Banks as we had coffee Monday afternoon. Just hours earlier, two Indiana reporters had suggested that U.S. Rep. Trey Hollingsworth was the “frontrunner” for this open seat. “I haven’t ruled anything out,” Banks responded. “I will say candidly…

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A Dog Knows

“What a sweet dog!” I said, in Spanish. “She is a sweet dog,” the man walking her answered, in English. He had an Irish accent and was walking the young dog down the street as my husband, Peter, and I made our way home from dinner. “And she has no idea what will happen tomorrow,”…

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2022 Toyota Corolla Crosses Over

The Toyota Corolla is a fine automobile, even if not particularly exciting with its affordable price, frugal gas mileage, and renowned durability. You don’t buy one to be fancy; you buy one because it is a smart way to spend your money. The latest one looks quite handsome as a sedan and hatchback, but today’s…

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Don’t Believe Everything You Hear!

We are definitely living in a post-truth world. It’s not just in the political sphere that we have to be careful of facts and “alternative facts”; it also extends to the scientific and medical worlds as well. The public is being constantly bombarded with scientific information via mainstream media, social media and other internet sources.…

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Middle Ages. Part 2

Although some terrible viruses are around today, we’ve still got it better then folks who lived between the 5th and 15th centuries. Those were called the Middle Ages because surviving to 50 seemed impossible. Here’s the deal: if you were a nobleman, you could live well if you owned enough land. But manor homes didn’t…

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It’s All About Timing In ‘Flaming Idiots’ Comedy

In a comedy with five shutting doors, timing is crucial. Timing with lines. Timing with reactions. And timing with entrances and exits. “I’ve been working with the actors to get the timing correct, so as to squeeze out maximum laughter,” said Brian Nichols, director of the comedy, “Flaming Idiots” opening tonight (Thursday, March 31) at…

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