A Salute To Ron Stone

A few weeks back I did a tribute to some of Sheridan’s important women who have helped to hold our community together over the years. I would like to take this opportunity to honor one of the men who has played a key role in keeping this community on-going. Ron Stone has been a friend…

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Words matter: HCAA Birdie Gallery removes ‘colored’ from historical marker because word is outdated term

Constance Jones grew up in the oldest black Baptist Church in Hamilton County, established in 1853, and she’s proud of it. “We were the colored Baptist Church. That’s what we were called back then,” said Jones, 82, Noblesville, proudly reminiscing as she sat on a wooden church pew last Wednesday in the former church building,…

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Masking Up in 1918

Four years ago, when I wrote a column about the Spanish influenza epidemic of 1918, it just seemed like an interesting chapter in our county’s history. It never occurred to me then that a few years later we’d be dealing with our own pandemic. While there are differences between the two outbreaks, there are also…

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I’m activated: bank on it

Each January the small bank in my hometown –– The Loanly Bank and Mistrust –– attracts new customers to their banking services by offering premium gifts to anyone signing for a loan or opening a new account. To anyone opening a savings account, the bank will bestow a $25 gift card to Sleepy Joe’s coffee…

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Indiana is awash in guns as homicide records proliferate

Last year was one of the bloodiest years in Indiana history as Indianapolis set yet another homicide record with 271 murders, while Evansville, Fort Wayne and South Bend all had deadly years. Perhaps, just perhaps … it’s because Indiana is awash in guns. On Tuesday, the Indiana House voted 63-29 on HB1077 the “constitutional carry”…

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The Postscript

Nothing is as fun as eating broccoli and breaking bad habits “I bought more broccoli because I knew you were coming,” my mother informed me. You can never get enough broccoli, that is my belief. I am lucky in that I never had to acquire a taste for vegetables out of some sort of concern…

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