Many ways to help others in need any time of year

While many of the food and clothing drives are now over because it’s almost Christmas, the need is still there for our communities. More than 26,000 individuals in Hamilton County are food insecure, according to the Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank in Noblesville, with about 33,333 meals needed this holiday season. So there are many…

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My Head is Spinning

This week I want to address a specific variant of a condition that I’ve been seeing a lot of lately – dizziness. Primary Care doctors in the U.S. see about six million patients a year who complain of “dizziness.” Dizziness means different things to different people and can be a symptom of many different medical…

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Worth Waiting For

Yesterday I bought a Christmas tree at the hardware store. I thought it was a good day to do it both because I’d heard the rumors of Christmas tree shortages and because it would keep me away from my email for more than an hour—a near record in the last two weeks. No one tells…

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Of Christmas, Dads, daughters, and daring

A concerned little eight-year-old girl, Virginia O’Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York City’s third-most significant daily newspaper, The Sun, and a hasty response followed on Sept. 21, 1897, in an unsigned editorial. In a surprising uncharacteristically cheerful response, The Sun’s resident cynic Francis Pharcellus Church, the brother of the paper’s publisher,…

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Red Stocking donors are in the giving spirit

A lot of things in our daily lives have changed this year. But one thing that hasn’t changed is the generosity of folks in Noblesville who give to Tri Kappa sorority’s annual Noblesville Red Stocking Fund. Every year in November, Tri Kappa asks us at The Times newspaper to partner up in the promotion of…

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The graying of America

by John Grimaldi We’re seeing more and more people with gray hair these days. But it’s not only because the population is growing old at a fast pace as 10,000 boomer babies turn 65 each and every day and because the population will continue aging at that rate for some time to come. It’s all about the…

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