Our culture of no context

I’ve concentrated my professional life around businesses that make creativity their centerpiece. In my case, I stay close to The Arts. I’ve worked in the cultures of literature, design and fashion. Sadly, I neglected including music. There just doesn’t seem to be the demand for Bavarian Volksmusic there once was. It’s a shame, too. I’m…

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Conversation critical for loved one with Alzheimer’s

By John Grimaldi More than six million Americans have been diagnosed as having Alzheimer’s Disease and that number is growing at too fast a rate; the projection is that the numbers of Alzheimer’s patients will more than double by 2050. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 11.2 million Americans are volunteer caregivers for loved ones with the…

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Principal: No discrimination against club at Noblesville H.S.

I’m writing in response to the guest column that ran in the Times (Friday) accusing Noblesville High School of discriminating against a student’s request to start a pro-life club. The community should know that NHS supports students forming clubs they’re passionate about and we maintain dozens of student-led clubs that represent a wide range of…

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Mike Pence, Roe v Wade and 2024

There have been two topics of Mike Pence for president stories in recent weeks. The first has been about Pence taking his nascent campaign to Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, preparing for an upstart 2024 campaign. The second is the many articles saying he has little to no chance, particularly if former president Donald…

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What’s up with discrimination at Noblesville High School?

By Micah Beckwith Over the last few years, we’ve seen public schools spend millions of dollars on diversity, equity and inclusion officers, as well as Social, Emotional, Learning (SEL) programs designed to make every student feel welcomed, valued and heard. You would think inclusion and non-discrimination would be a high priority for schools like Noblesville…

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She asks me not to roost in just any room

Mary Ellen and I have a standing argument—literally, a standing argument. She claims that the first thing I do when I enter a room is sit down.  “That makes you seem old,” she said, “and I know you are concerned about not portraying that image.”  Which surprised me, because I always thought it was my…

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Butch says moms are ‘natural worriers’

9-28 A1 Butch column photo

Did your mother stay up late and wait for you to come home when you spent a night out with friends? Yes, that’s what I thought . . . you see, moms are “worriers.” Your mom may have worked all day, and she may have been completely worn out, but chances are she had the…

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