New NHS Signage Helps Us Navigate

By: Betsy Reason Noblesville High School families may have noticed new signage at the school. Being that I picked up my daughter often this past semester at Noblesville High School, due to her extracurricular choir activities, I noticed a new sign that directs visitors to the right to go to the school’s main entrance and…

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Update From Washington D.C.

By: Victoria Spartz Judiciary Committee Takes on Administrative State This week, the House Judiciary Committee passed Rep. Spartz’ H.R. 3446, the Sunshine for Regulatory Decrees and Settlements Act of 2023. This bill provides more transparency and prevents abuses of “sue and settle” techniques used by activist agencies to impose regulations on American businesses and taxpayers.…

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Interesting Days Ahead For College Football

Flex Protect Plus sounds like a Medicare supplemental insurance commercial you might see on MeTV. It’s a different kind of insurance, though. One that should ensure the Big Ten Conference will be well represented in the upcoming 12-team College Football Playoff. It’s also an opportunity for Purdue to perhaps build some momentum under Ryan Walters.…

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Director Says Everyone Can Relate to ‘Godspell’

Photo courtesy of Rob Slaven of Indy Ghost Light Photography Youth ages 10-18 rehearse for Carmel Community Players’ summer youth production of “Godspell” musical, which opens on Friday and runs through June 25 at The Ivy Tech Auditorium in Noblesville. Photo courtesy of Rob Slaven of Indy Ghost Light Photography Fender Brokamp of Westfield (from…

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Remembering John Marlowe

Seven months ago, John Marlowe was doing CrossFit workouts, writing a weekly column for The Paper of Montgomery County and the Noblesville Times and basically enjoying life. This week, he is dead. Cancer is an insidious beast. If he could, John would tell people that his legacy boils down to a few things: He would…

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Hamilton County Offers Value For Retirees

For anyone on the fence considering retirement, I would highly recommend it. As I have mentioned before, seeing our son more than a handful of times per year entered into my wife and I choosing to move to Noblesville. That said, it was only one of many reasons. Hamilton County remains in the top tier…

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CUT fathers day car show:

Want TO GO? What: Central Indiana Vintage Vehicles’ 31st annual Father’s Day Car Show. When: 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday, registration for cars 9 a.m. to noon. Where: Forest Park, 701 Cicero Road, Noblesville. How much: Free to spectators, $10 to enter a car. Eligible cars must be built prior to 1994 or may…

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From Time to Thyme

By Paula Dunn Washington Township Quiz As I noted a couple of weeks ago, the Hamilton County Bicentennial Commission is featuring Washington Township this month. Are you ready to test your knowledge of Washington Township history? 1. Who were Washington Township’s first settlers? 2. During World War I, Westfield’s George Van Camp and Sons canning…

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Noblesville Author Draws From Noble Family Values

Rhonda Parker Taylor wanted to write a book to prove to herself that she could. For many, like Parker Taylor, writing is a difficult task. Growing up, she wasn’t a good student in English, reading or writing. She struggled with McGuffey Readers. And the phonetic concepts escaped her as a child. But she was still…

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Creating A Summer Tablescape For Warm Weather Entertaining

For those summer barbecues and dinner parties ahead this summer, setting the table before those plates of homemade potato salad, grilled pork chops, dripping watermelon and pie fill the table can be a great way to set the mood and invite warm conversation to your summer soiree. Your table setting is a simple way to…

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