Noblesville Theater Groups Need Affordable Performance Spaces

Let’s face it. Noblesville needs a performing arts venue for community theater groups. The community needs performance space where community or non-equity theaters, dance companies and musical groups can affordably stage their performances for the public. Having “insufficient or no access to performance space” is our local theaters’ greatest barrier, according to the results of…

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Bird Calls

A few weeks back I mentioned a news app called “Smart News” that features daily tantalizing headlines accompanied by brief articles.  Here are some of their recent postings: 8 Things to NEVER Buy at Costco 4 Vegetables You Should NOT Eat 7 Canned Fruits to NEVER Buy 6 Things to NEVER Eat at a Breakfast…

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Ken Selects Fantasy Lineups For Purdue-IU All-Star Contest

Like so many things, the Indiana-Kentucky All-Star basketball series isn’t the same event I remember following in the 1970s and ‘80s. Some of the blame belongs to college coaches demanding the series and side events be conducted in a week’s time so that their freshmen can arrive on campus and begin summer workouts. A prime…

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Timmons Wages Battle Between Good, Evil

Like a lot of you, I’m at the age where sleeping through the night is an elusive commodity. It’s not that I have trouble falling asleep. I’m usually lucky that way. It’s just I don’t stay asleep. The biggest issue is going to the bathroom. On a good night, that may only happen once or…

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Little Advice for Graduates

May and June means graduation season is upon us. Don’t let them fool you, this is a tough time of the year for moms or the person that serves in that function for you. They are proud of you, whether they tell you or not. Most are probably busy running around with planning your post-graduation…

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Lions to Serve Up Chops, Chicken, Pancakes, Dogs

This weekend, a tradition returns as a big tent goes up on the Hamilton County Courthouse Square, and the Noblesville Lions set up tables and chairs for the Club’s annual Pork Chop Dinner, which this year has been renamed as “Grillin’ on the Square.” Friday morning, the Lions will be up early putting pork chops…

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Flags Fly, Fallen Remembered On Our Beautiful Memorial Day

With blue skies and sunshine, it was a beautiful day to remember our military service men and women. U.S. Army Vietnam veteran James Martin always calls it his “duty” to emcee the Noblesville Memorial Day Ceremony at the Hamilton County War Memorial in downtown Noblesville. He welcomed the large crowd to Monday morning’s ceremony, which…

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From Time to Thyme

Bicentennial Spotlight Shines Brightly on Barker Cabin We’re about to head into June, which means the Hamilton County Bicentennial spotlight will be shifting from Adams Township to Washington Township. In recognition of that, the Westfield Washington Historical Society, with a little help from Yankee Trader Fireworks and the Hamilton County Bicentennial Commission, is sponsoring a…

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