Where Are We With Taxes? Let’s Ask

I’d like to think that my talent with the written word is responsible for the landslide of response the last two weeks. But I suspect the topics – politics as usual and the insanity of our massive national debt – has far more to do with it. Whatever the reason, I’ll take it. The more…

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Here’s Another Roberts Settlement Success Story

Despite its small size and rural setting, the African American farming community of Roberts Settlement produced a number of successful professionals — doctors, lawyers, ministers, politicians, businessmen and especially, educators. More educators came out of Roberts Settlement than any other profession, a feat that’s all the more impressive when you consider that most of the…

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Complimenting Strangers

“I have to say, that is a very nice hat!” I told the man as he passed me on the sidewalk. The man in the snazzy blue fedora had a serious look on his face, as if he was thinking deeply about something far more important than the indigo-blue hat with the red feather sitting…

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Should We Be Concerned About A Nuclear War?

I spent my first 10 years living in Michigan City, which is 35 nautical miles from Chicago. I was a Cold War kid. Our bogeyman was Soviet General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, who made a lasting impression when he took off his shoe at the United Nations, hammering the podium while threatening to “bury” the U.S.…

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Kenny Talks Boilermaker Hoops, NFL Draft

It’s such an oft-used phrase, “defense wins championships,” that it’s almost become a sports cliché. But part of Purdue’s downfall in the NCAA basketball tournament a year ago was having a variety of offensive weapons who didn’t always want to guard their man. That is not the problem so far this season for the Boilermakers,…

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Please Go Away!

My wife is getting ready for our upcoming vacation.. She has already packed and unpacked and packed again. She practices packing because she wants to be sure everything fits in her suitcase. I practice putting on my pants because I want to be sure there will be room for the waistband to expand after I…

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Try This With Your Credit Card Company . . .

Last week we, as in We The People, hit a financial landmark. We maxed out our credit card. Oh, the uppity ups in the government didn’t call it that. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen explained that the U.S. reached its debt limit, a plain and simple way of saying, well, we maxed out the credit card.…

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